Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TROLLIN?

A hating (usually female) facebook friend who is always talking shit or complaining about what others have to say/think.

Look what Raquisha posted on my comment. Damn, she's always trollin' . Can't she just let me be !

👍51 👎43

TROLLIN - meme gif

TROLLIN meme gif

TROLLIN - video


TROLLIN - what is it?

The act of purposely exposing ones penis to the room/world, whilst pretending to be drunk and walking around waiting for women to comment on it, knowing that if they do, they want it.


Max: Aw man, I was totally trollin' this morning, and this chick came up to me and said, your dick is hanging out.

Trent: Uh... And?

Max: She totally wanted it.

👍61 👎59

What does "TROLLIN" mean?

when you and your best friend travel to certain populous areas to find premium snatch.

"Hey Tai, let's go to the lanes and go trollin' for some bowling alley ass."

"Yes, let's"

👍73 👎69

TROLLIN - what does it mean?

The combination use of acid/shrooms with extacy. Combining tripping and rolling to get a greater high

We goin to da club tonight, everyone gon' be trollin hard.

👍263 👎369

TROLLIN - meaning

The art of Trollin' is to call out stupid people and say "Hey, stupid people! I see what you're doing, and I don't like it"

Trollin' can be done anywhere, though it's mostly done online. And is the simple yet effective task of annoying the fuck out of someone, untill they give up or get mad. Usually resulting in the person leaving the forum/chat room.

It is often speculated as to what Trolls get out of Trollin'. Though most Trolls will tell you that it brings then gleeful joy to successfully Troll a stoopid.

To avoid being Troll'd, simply do not feed the Troll.

For example Google "Example of Trollin'"

👍75 👎51

TROLLIN - definition

To inflict rage upon; To go on a rage spree; To anger someone

I be trollin him and he be ragin

👍263 👎187

TROLLIN - slang

A popular internet term, made famous by the controversial YouTube account boxxybabe. Now known by all to mean: Rummaging around the internet, causing either distress or heartache to the general public. This can consist of insistent comments written upon a thread or news post claiming to be 'FIRST', or in another fashion, such as playing a popular song and or video down, whereupon you are given the all exclusive 'Troll' title. This word is used constantly over the internet to refer to someone who looks through the inter-webs so as to cause disarray.

MAN A:Hey man, you do some trollin' last night on the new forum post?
MAN B:No, decided to take a poop instead.

👍161 👎95


1.To play someone, mess with someone, joke around, etc.

2. to display and or do/give the intention of controlling, "owning" , defeating, etc.

1.tom:walk on water?



joe:aw nigga why you be trollin?

2.them niggas soft as fuck, we trollin.

👍459 👎285



Guy 1- Why you Trollin', fool?

Guy 2- I ain't Trollin'!

👍253 👎147


Someone that makes you mad over the internet

You're trollin!!

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