Definder - what does the word mean?


A government agency misplacing a large sum of money and then the next day the getting attacked.

On September 10, 2001 the pentagon announced that they couldn’t account for 2.3 trillion dollars and lost it. The next day well you know what happened.

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TRILLION - meme gif

TRILLION meme gif

TRILLION - video


TRILLION - what is it?

The chances of Dream's """"Luck"""" in his Latest Minecraft Speedrum

Guy 1 : Bro you won the Lottery thats like the chances of Dreams Luck

Guy 2 : Yeah, 1 in 7.5 Trillion.

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What does "TRILLION" mean?

An extremely large number, more than eleventy billion.

I'm so hungry, I could eat fifteenty trillion of those cupcakes.

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TRILLION - what does it mean?

A number that is bigger than 1 but smaller than infinity

I have a bigillion trillion money's in my nans bank account

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TRILLION - meaning

(V) meaning too true and too real to be measured by any scale we know today. This word is scantly used.

Look at Andre, walkin around like he trillion and everyting.

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TRILLION - definition

Getting into a basketball game for one minute and not recording a single statistic. The line of the box score would have a 1 followed by 13 zeros.

An Ohio State benchwarmer achieved the trillion when he got in the blowout win over Michigan.

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TRILLION - slang

Sorry, the above definition is a little off. Actually, make that 999 billion off. A trillion is ten to the TWELFTH power (1,000,000,000,000). Ten to the ninth power is one billion.

Please make that note.

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Used in as a metaphor for "a lot".

Man, there's trillions of stupid people in the world.

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1-possible title for Carl Sagan's next book, had he lived longer.
2-the hyperinfintesmel amount of taxpayers' money spent bailing out banks in 2008 and '09.
3-a very large number
4- "# served" marquis-line on a random McDonald's inter-phase highway location in the year 2412...

Me: How many bytes in the universe Carl???
Carl Sagan MMCIVX: Trillions and trillions would barely begin the count Floyd... Let's grab a burger at the fly-thru...

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A million, million, millions... as in:
1, 000,000, 000,000, 000,000 or 10^18
...from tri as in three.
It is lazily commonly missused for a million millions, which is in fact a billion, from bi as in two (...and not a thousand million).
You see, a tricycle does not have two wheels and a bicycle does not have one and a half wheels.

A trillion dollars is a million, million, millions of dollars and a billion dollars is a million, millions of dollars. A thousand million dollars is $1,000, 000,000.

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