Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THs?

Shortend North English vairient of th'word "the".

"Th'ospital is just down th'road"

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THs - meme gif

THs meme gif

THs - video


THs - what is it?

Means the samething as "that".

1. "th@ waz crazy, yo".
2. "stop doing th@".

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What does "THs" mean?

Abbreviation for the E! television show the E! True Hollywood Story.

I just watched the THS on P!nk and learned a lot about her life.

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THs - what does it mean?

Erect nipples (Titty Hardon).

check out that girl's TH.

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THs - meaning

It’s like thinking you're just getting high with a buddy, only to end up having spontaneous true love buttsex.

Lets chill at the TH.

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THs - definition

abbreviation for 'talking hump syndrome' from a 'futurma' episode 'a clone of my own'

robot guard: what did your hump say?
professor: its my talking hump symdrome
robot guard: oh, ths.

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THs - slang

Th is used when you have no idea how to end a thought, so you just type th.

I think HealthCare is really great th.

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Like tf(short for 'the fuck'), but th is the clean version of it, meaning 'The heck'

Th how does this video have 50 views?! It's trash.

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abbreviation for β€œthe hell”. that’s when you know you fucked up.

Emma: i ate rotten eggs before!
Alex: th?

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The sound made by a moth. Can be construed as frightening.

I don't like moths- they go th th th th th

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