Definder - what does the word mean?


to get raped into a gang bang in a freezer

someone was in the freezer last night

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THE FREEZER - what is it?

a gay ass pussy who won`t do shit with their boy/girlfriend cause their scared **cough cough melissa**

god i dumped him because he was such a freezer!! uGhh i hate freezerss!!

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What does "THE FREEZER" mean?

1. The best place to put things you dont want to look at.
2. A good place for safe-keeping. Fire safe.

The freezer is a good place to store anything but ice cream.

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THE FREEZER - what does it mean?

Poker term used to describe when two or more "coolers" are dealt in the same hand. An example of a freezer would be if one player was dealt AA, another KK, and a third QQ.

More commonly seen with online poker rooms such FullTilt, Pokerstars, or Cake.

At the WSOP last year, some amateur donk won it all on a fucking freezer. Stacked a player with AA and another guy with KK when he flopped a set of Queens. Unbelievable.

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THE FREEZER - meaning

the act of rubbing cocaine on the gums in your mouth to numb them.

pauly never actually tried coke before, but he did do some freezers the other night.

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THE FREEZER - definition

Winter in a box

I put the body in the freezer outside.

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The place where you keep your ICE (diamonds) like the drawer where rappers keep their jewelry

β€œMan show me ya freezer!”

β€œLike... in my kitchen?”

β€œNaw dog! Where ya keep ya wrist ice!”

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a prude, someone who "freezes" all the action or won't put out, someone who abnormally reluctant to engage in sexual activity

"man, i dumped that bitch Therisa after a week. she was a fucking freezer!"

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A break you need from a relationship or friendship, when you need to stop being in contact with someone because you are starting to dislike him/her and need some time apart to avoid the deterioration of the relationship and be cool again.

My dear Kenny has been acting like a controlling freak lately. I am sending him to The Freezer for a couple of weeks, because I can't stand him now.

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The act of one ejaculating in their partner's eye, preferredly getting the reaction of, "Ow, my eye !"

Emily: OW, my eye! did you just give me the freezer?
Kyle: awwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhh

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