Definder - what does the word mean?


1.) A posse, group of friends/people that one hangs out with or is followed by.
2.) A not very good show on HBO starring the quite hot Adrian Grenier.
3.) A word that stupid people will be undoubtedly confused by.

I don't go anywhere without my entourage to back me up.

Joe: "Entourage" is so stupid, all they do is stand around looking cool and throw in pointless sexual induendos.

Nicole: Yeah, but Adrian Grenier is hotter than a pepper sprout!

Slow down, you stoppa usin' big word. En-toooo-ragee? Don't that mean to like build stuff?

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THE ENTOURAGE - what is it?

An HBO television franchise premised on the lifestyle of a newly established A-list Celebrity and his lifelong friends from Queens, New York. Unfortunately, the storyline of each episode mostly revolves around monetary-gratifying activities and situations not really stimulating any original insight into the life of fame and filmmaking.

A typical sort of uninspiring, unmeditative, ''entertaining'' scene on the show:

Ext. Pool Patio - Hotel Resort
Rap music in the air. Young Cocktail Waitresses servicing drinks, generic vactioners all getting along with footlong smiles. Blonde Model 1 rushes to catch a beach ball and splashes into the pool by accident, a shrill scream of delight as the excess water lands on Turtle who is spread out on a deck chair with the rest of the entourage.

F**** baby, watch the shirt. Look at this, brand new Sean Jean.

I didn't know they sold Sean John at Ross Turtle.

They sell this at Ross too, bitch ?

Turtle raises arm, a shining diamond studded rolex shines on his wrist. Nobody looks up from their carefree laying-suntanning position. A woman in a skimpy buisness outfit walks up to Vince.

Mr. Chase on behalf of the Standart Hotel I'd like to give you these Spa passes, good for a session with anyone of our expert massage therapists...

A line of attractive females in Bikinis line up. ETC.

When Vince makes an independent film set in Queens , we never see any critical parts of it because although the series can re-create fake clips of Blockbusters candy like " Aquaman " , making a believable endearing work of art is beyond the show's conceptional techniques.

Entourage gives edification to the Hollywood of Entertainment Tonight or E!, not from a standard of aesthetic realism.

👍131 👎243

What does "THE ENTOURAGE" mean?

The best show on HBO. Vincent Chase's homeboys: turtle, johnny bravo, and E(ric).

Johnny Bravo: Hey Luke, you still doing that project with Wes?
Luke Wilson: Ya, we start filming in the spring.
JB: Did they find someone to play the sidekick yet?
LW: Ya, fortunately my brother's going to do it.

👍139 👎255

THE ENTOURAGE - what does it mean?

Group of some of the greatest mofos out here, Founder goes by Connor McCormick and does outrageous stunts where they're posted on instagram @Thy Entouarge , where multiple members are posted. For now only Connor McCormick's stunts are posted alongside Fortnite Gameplay of fellow Entourage member. Connor continuously teases new stunts with other content creators, as well as his own.

"Yo I DM'ed Connor to join The Entourage and he said to bring something to the table and you're apart of The Entourage, I cant wait , I heard that he's a really nice person and helps with anything he can, he tries to make his brand, his family. What an amazing person"

👍25 👎11


The best show on television, period. Entourage is about 4 middle-aged guys from Queen's who are at the peak of their careers (Except for Johnny Chase), who go to parties, have sex, get drunk/stoned, and make movies. (Vince is the only one who actually makes movies, Eric is his manager, Turtle is a manager of rappers such as Saigon, and Johnny Chase is Vince's brother who has been trying to find a job for about 10 years since he started his cold strike). They all live in Vince's mansion and party 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Entourage is the best show ever made.

👍375 👎213

THE ENTOURAGE - definition

A posse who follows a celebrity whever they go.

Look at insert lame celebrity douchebag's name here's entourage!

👍173 👎87


Social and financial parasites; pop-culture yes-men; fair-weather friends. People who ride on the success of others until the money runs out on the theory that brown nose + someone else's cash = I get paid.

Iron Mike's entourage bled him white.

👍403 👎171


Entourage. The greatest show on television. The story line follows Vincent Chase, played by gorgeous Adrian Grenier, on his path to Hollywood mega-stardom. Along with his "entourage", consisting of his best friend and manager, Eric or E, Turtle, brother Johnny "Drama" Chase and powerful and obnoxiously hilarious agent Ari "The Shark" Gold (played by adorable Jeremy Piven), the gang rules Los Angeles. From picking up beautiful girls and hitting the hottest clubs to finding new movies to star in and deciding between a Benz and Rolls, the boys are always on top of their game.

A hilarious script, awesome plot line and sexy actors.

Note: This show is loosly based on Mark Wahlberg's personal experiences in L.A.

To get laid, all Turtle, Drama or E have to say is "I'm part of Vincent Chase's entourage"

👍1041 👎353


The posse that follows a celebrity wherever he/she goes.

Puff Daddy always has an entourage following him.

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An HBO series about a guy from Queens, NY who goes out to Hollywood and becomes a mega star. His boys Turtle and E and brother Johnny Drama are is entourage. Jeremy Piven stars as Ari Gold, Vince's money hungry and comedic agent. The show is all about what these guys do all day..Smoke weed, hang out with hot chicks, go shopping, play golf and all that other cool shit.

Aside from The Sopranos, Entourage is the best series on HBO.

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