Definder - what does the word mean?


Small Forward for the Detroit Pistons. VERY cute and is well known for his big block against Reggie Miller's ALMOST tying layup, giving possession to Detroit to win the game. Also known as Tay. Kind of skinny, 6`9 and 215 lbs. Has a wingspan of 7`2. Was put to defend against Kobe in the 2004 Finals. Currently resides in Rochester.

IS that Tayshaun Prince? DAYUM! He's fine!

Tayshaun's blocks leave the other teams speechless.

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TAYSHAUN - meme gif

TAYSHAUN meme gif

TAYSHAUN - video


TAYSHAUN - what is it?

When something comes out of nowhere to completely change everything

John thought he was going to hook up with the girl until some other dude Tayshauned her away.

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What does "TAYSHAUN" mean?

When your arms are not proportional to the rest of your body, allowing a person be clumsy and awkward.

Nick just broke yo mom's lamp with his arms. Man, he got Tayshaun Syndrome.

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TAYSHAUN - what does it mean?

When you think you have a chance at scoring only to get rejected in the end.

Man: Hey, do you want to go out?
Woman: No thanks.

Random Guy: Holy shit.
Random Dude: That dude got Tayshaun'd.

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TAYSHAUN - meaning

Taken by carieašŸ„°

Aye yo tayshaun Iā€™m finna steal ur girl šŸ˜ˆ

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TAYSHAUN - definition

His mom will never give you the WiFi password to KFC, but Tayshaun's a good kid... he also is the kind of person you'd see in his weirdest moments whenever you encounter him.

Person 1: Why is Tayshaun slapping his dong on a radiator?
Person 2: That's racist
Person 1: what?

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TAYSHAUN - slang

In basketball, the act of running down an opposing player from behind on a fastbreak and blocking their layup or dunk just before it would be ruled goaltending. The best example is Tayshaun Prince's famous block on Reggie Miller in the 2004 NBA Playoffs. Hence the name.

You: Did you just see that block?!?!

Me: Yeah, he just got Tayshauned!!!

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A Tayshaun is a kind carrying emotional nigga. He has waves or curly hair likes mixed girls with curly hair have a good heart but a short fuse. AFTAN TAKEN FOR GRANTED. DELIRIOUSLY FUNNY. Always stands out tends to fuck and say stupid things around his crush or to her. LIKES girls with the following if YOU DONT HAVE THE FOLLOWING YOUR NOT OUR TYPE CURLEY HAIR LIGHT SKIN OR MIXED BROWN EYES SEXY SMILE SEXY AND AMAZING AT EVERYTHING YOU DO. TAYSHAUN IS MANNY THINGS BUT IF PUSHED TENDS TO PULL AWAY DONT TAKE US FOR GRANTED.


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A nigga that gets all the girls unless they get a lot of like then he only gets nudes he doesn't chase girls unless they start with a t but he can be a player if his main acting out

Tayshaun don't chase no girl

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tayshaundeblfvwlfvlfyevfvrfefeyrfyeyfrfis a hbwvffvffvrrgfvrleigfylyiergfye

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