Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Synchro?

transforms an angular position of the shaft into an electric signal.

I have to replace the synchro so it can work.

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Synchro - meme gif

Synchro meme gif

Synchro - video


Synchro - what is it?

A Synchro is a person who practices the sport Synchronized Swimming. Synchros are usually female, who can be sporty but at the same time sexy. They work really hard to be the best that they can be, and because of that they all have smokin hot bodies. Most synchros also have really hot faces, so they're the best of both worlds.

Me: Wow did you see that synchro over there?
Chris: Yeah she was smokin! She must practice a lot! Wouldn't it be great to be dating a synchro?
Me:Yeah, it would.

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What does "Synchro" mean?

The synchro-defecation theory holds that the defecation patterns of individuals who live together tend to become synchronized over time. The phenomenon is glaringly evident when said individuals share one bathroom.

Similar to the McClintock effect, the theory that the menstrual cycles of women who live together, such as in homes, prisons, convents, bordellos, dormitories, or barracks, tend to become synchronized over time.

Man: "I had to shit in the tub this morning 'cause my girl got to the toilet first. "

Friend: "Damn, that synchro-defecation cycle is a bitch, ain't it?"

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Synchro - what does it mean?

a player of yugioh who gets to win almost ever game by useing synchro monsters

bob is a synchro noob for useing snychro monsters.

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Synchro - meaning

When two or more persons engaging in sexual activities orgasm and/or ejaculate in concert.
The act of orgasming and/or ejaculating in concert with one or more other persons.

That was the best synchro-nut I've ever had.
There's nothing quite like synchro-nutting with one of your best homies.

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Synchro - definition

To say a word or phrase at the exact same time as another person. Was, in the Dark Ages, identified with a "Jinx! You owe me a Coke!

(watching the the Crocodile hunter)

Lea/Ale: Look, crazy guy!
(bewildered stare)
Lea/Ale: Stop it.
(frightened stare)

Ale: What a fine example of synchro-speech.

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Synchro - slang

"Cooool" as in mockingly and definitely NOT cool. Often used with modifier "wicked".

What a wicked synchro paisely shirt!!!

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Coined by the now deceased Capital STEEZ from Pro Era, it refers to whenever something happens particularly as a coincidence. This ties into the theme of spirituality and conspiracy seen in his work.

Also known as synchro life.

β€˜Oh that was synchro, it’s too perfect to be a coincidence.’

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