Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Super smash bros?

Any variation of a drinking game involving the Super Smash Bros. video game for the N64 game console by Nintendo.

Drinking after a death (or kill for a handicap) is the only almost universal rule.

But there is only one true rule: N64 version only.

For playing this game while using the game's sequels for later game consoles, see "I should have been aborted"

"You guys want to go play Super Smashed Bros. at Jerry's later"

"He only has a Gamecube, that cockmonger should have been aborted if he thinks that's 'Smashed Bros.'"

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Super smash bros - video


Super smash bros - what is it?

When 2-8 people are fucking, and whenever someone cums 3 times, they lose.

Person 1: Did you hear Johnny got 3-Stocked?
Person 2: Yah, he got destroyed by that dude. He’s so trash, he shouldn’t play Super Smash Bros anymore.

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What does "Super smash bros" mean?

A very fun game series, better than pretty much any other modern game right now, including shitty fortnite
You should probably play with items off

Person: Hey you wanna play Super Smash Bros Melee?
Autist: nO iM fInNa pLaY sOmE fOrTnItE
Person: You're a fucking faglord piece of shit

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Super smash bros - what does it mean?

a popular n64 game that can turn the regular girl into a horny girl. First you play a couple rounds against the hot girl just for fun. Then, when you've mentally prepared yourself, play each other and the winner gets a kiss. You should get your kiss b/f the end of the game, but either way, you're gonna get some boii.

"Taylor and Billy just played some super smash bros."
"How long did it take for them to actually hook up?"
" Only ten minutes, she's a slut."

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Super smash bros - meaning

A more fun way to say friends with benefits. Instead of asking your friend if they’re up or want to hook up you just say: β€œSuper Smash Bros?”

Daphne: Super Smash Bros?
Fred: I’m gonna eat you like a Scooby Snack
Daphne: Jeepers!

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Super smash bros - definition

The best motherfucking game ever!Literally heaven in a game.

Hey do you play super smash bros???

Me: um do you mean do I play with the gods in heaven??? Then yea i do.

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Super smash bros - slang

The Most innovative fighting game that uses a damage percent counter instead of a heath bar has 40 playable characters and packed with unlockable features and game modes.

Amazing multiplayer game. raise da roof!

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Super smash bros

That thing my friends always beat me in

Microsoft fan: β€œYou should play Halo”
Me: (yelling) β€œEat super smash bros, bitch” (proceeds to throw 3ds in Microsoft fans face)

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Super smash bros

A game series made by Nintendo that has been consistently popular and has proven that no gamer hates Nintendo.

Guy 1: Dude, why do you still play Nintendo? It's so childish.

Guy 2: Says the guy who insisted on playing Super Smash Bros.

Guy 1:...

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Super smash bros

The best game series in existence.

Fuck fortnite. Super Smash Bros is a real man's game.

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