Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sunset Park?

gay ass school full of gay ass niggas and treesh ass thots with bummy ass teachers. My nigga don’t go here. Small ass mexican niggas finna stab you over some dumb shit to make themselves look cool and the girl you just fucked gave you 14 STDs and you got a week and a half left to live

Ayo i heard you go to sunset park high school now”
oh yea i do”
gay ass nigga

👍25 👎11

Sunset Park - video


Sunset Park - what is it?

Sunset Park is a spanish neighborhood in Brooklyn. Mostly Dominicans Puerto Ricans & mexicans.

Sunset Park Hoe is a teenage girl or young women who is usually spanish wearing tight tight skinny jeans, a plain shirt, a belt, and sneakers. Always got them big ass earrings. A Sunset Park Hoe always got mad jewelery, a whole buncha necklaces and rings. Hair in a bun gelled down mad hard or loose gelled curls/waves. Can be found shopping on 5th ave in a group w| other hoes. Talking mad loud w| dhat ghetto ass spanish accent. Half of them cant even speak spanish but they front using the three words they knoe.

Sunset Hoe for Short

Leslie : Some girl started problems w| me at school today !
Stephanie: who ?
Leslie : Some Sunset Park Hoe...

guido guidette OTB Russian

👍67 👎31

What does "Sunset Park" mean?

soft part of brooklyn that is filled with spics that think they are hard and gangsta but have sidekick 3's and live in a huge apartment, and dont kno wat its like not to have money

bay ridge will fuck up sunset park in a fight

👍77 👎221

Sunset Park - what does it mean?

AKA Gunset Park. A section of Brooklyn where shit used to pop off. Home to probably the largest group of Puerto Ricans in Brooklyn next to hoods like Red Hook, out of towners should take the R somewhere else if you don't know anyone. Expect some of the finest Spanish women on the East Coast, bomb ass graffiti, and your sneakers hung on the telephone line if you're caught slipping.

Next to sister neighborhood Bay Ridge, the two should not be confused as Bay Ridge is in reality home to district attorneys, and high income white folk, completely opposite of Sunset Park. Visit 86th to go shopping and pick up women, just don't let the street numbers dip too low, as you might be mistaken for food.

Growing up on 5th Ave in Sunset Park, my lullaby was ice cream trucks, open hydrants, cop sirens, and hip-hop.

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