Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sturgeon?

the turning down of the corners of the lips to signify disdain, chagrin, or pensiveness; based loosely off the face of a sturgeon (a type of fish)

a typical response to disgusting or unfortunate news

Math Teacher: Jimmy, the front office wants to see you. Apparently your grandmother just died. Also, you got an F on your Calculus final.

Jimmy: *sturgeon face*

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Sturgeon - meme gif

Sturgeon meme gif

Sturgeon - video


Sturgeon - what is it?

A virgin sturgeon is a fish that doesn't produce any roe. Or wade.

She was minnow less - a virgin sturgeon.

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What does "Sturgeon" mean?

A common North American fish.

"Bob, let me tell you something: About the only thing I can think of that would be less tolerable than another term under George Bush is - no, wait, I can think of a bunch of things, um... but... uh... one particular thing that I can think of that would be more tolerable... I mean less tolerable... no, more... no less - yeah, cause almost anything would be tolerable... like a lap dance... but, uh, one that would be less tolerable would be to be beaten repeatedly about the loins with a sturgeon."

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Sturgeon - what does it mean?

A wildly errant throw that typically results in an object or body part being broken. Often times the thrower will foreshadow the errant throw by bellowing out a curse word or phrase.

Mac had to be rushed to the hospital after he took a sturgeon of his chin. or The window was broken after he sturgeoned the toss.

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Sturgeon - meaning

Sturgeon: A fresh and saltwater fish with diamond shaped scales. diamondsides = nickname. "Whites" get bigger than "greens", but mostly you can't catch whites. Bottom feeders by design, hard to catch fun to play on a line.

My friends wife hooked a sturgeon but had never seen one. She pulled it up to the boat, took one look at it, screamed, threw the pole in the water, and jumped to the other side of the boat almost in tears. She did set the hook though.

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Sturgeon - definition

I AM A STURGEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I am a sturgeon Doctor Han!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Sturgeon - slang

Another name for a long hard penis.

O shit dude! Aaron has quite the sturgeon... who woulda thought?

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An armor plated anadromous fish that has been around for appromixatley 200 million years. These fish are designed to spool you, but if you do manage to land one, they have razor sharp scutes that will slice the shit out of you.

Andy caught a fatty sturgeon yesterday.

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A really big, firm turd. One thats been brewing up over night, a couple of days or maybe even weeks. It is common for a big sturgeon to smell bad.

Oh man!, I just took the biggest sturgeon!, or far out I need to take a really big sturgeon!

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1 1/2 oz Vodka
3/4 oz Kahlua
3/4 oz Light Cream or Milk

"Crista, I ordered you a Sturgeon from the bartender."

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