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What is Stupid cunt?

Obese whale with no friends. So they go through other people's conversations while they're sleeping

Wow she really is a stupid cunt faced bitch

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Stupid cunt - video


Stupid cunt - what is it?


sam is a stupid cunt

👍27 👎23

What does "Stupid cunt" mean?

Some stupid cunt fish boy who really either likes men or balls

Jordan: Bro I love big black anal ape men!

Kalmar: waht tafuck u stupid fag stupid cunt fag

Jordan: Shut ur cheeto ass up lil bro before this dick go in u

👍25 👎13

Stupid cunt - what does it mean?

(1).Exhibiting multiple and frequent tedencies of being a cunt. (2).A momentary lapse of all reason. Noted to being a near fatal disease.

(1).She is suffering from the worst case of "stupid cunt disease" I have ever seen. (2). Did you hear what she said to him, she must have contracted "stupid cunt disease" today while she was with her friends.

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Stupid cunt - meaning

An ignorant hoplophobe who doesn't understand the concept of rights, non-aggression, or common sense.

Bernie Codd is a stupid cunt.

👍31 👎31

Stupid cunt - definition

A truley clueless bitch who thinks she's smart .

Debbie is a stupid cunt ,she thinks she smart trying to play dumd and doing a crappy job.
" and thought to myself, wow thats a big bag of dope"

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Stupid cunt - slang

You're all wrong. This is not an insult intended for a woman. Stupid Cunt is intended for a male who is worse than a woman. "You stupid cunt" reflects the idiocy of one of your boys. This originates in the UK.

You Stupid Cunt, you never should have fucked your bosses wife.

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Stupid cunt

A dumb founded girl.

Jessi is a stupid cunt

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Stupid cunt

A retarded bitch that never learns from her actions, and continues to be a clueless whore.

"Why is Lexi such a stupid cunt ?"

"Because she thinks she's better than everybody, and thinks she can just do what ever she wants to do...."

👍207 👎61

Stupid cunt

A clueless whore that has no comprehension of how her actions affect others.

Stefanie is one stupid cunt; fuckin her friends man while she's having family problems and being a fake.

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