Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Stretchin?

dragging it out, you reaching, doing the most, therefore youre stretching it.

person 1: β€œman that bitch mad ugly, she as pussy ass bitch who just talk”
person 2: β€œ that beef was almost a year ago girl you really stretchin it

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Stretchin - what is it?

To stage a attempted kidnapping. To try to get sympathy. Also see. To pull a Smollet

Some crazy left wing nuts tried to pull a Stretchin Gretchin on the Governor.

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What does "Stretchin" mean?

That feeling you get when you look at your bank account balance and realize you have no money left. To make matters worse you don't get paid for 1-2 weeks and therefor have to stretch the last of your cash. Regardless of the amount it is always referred to as stretchin' ten.

Chase: Yo Tanner you wanna hit sandbar later or maybe just grab a 30 and chill?

Tanner: No bro, I am stretchin ten right now, probably just going to chill till next week when I get paid.

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Stretchin - what does it mean?

To be fuckin bitches

"Yo D how you doin"

"Yeah bro you know I be stretchin

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Stretchin - meaning

1. To exaggerate to a great extent.
2. To tell a great lie.

1. - Last night I smoked this blunt, it had to be a ounce.
- Now your stretchin'.
2. - Man I fucked the hottest chick ever last night.
- Man your way too stretchin'.

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