Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Storm Chasers?

the craziest of the bunch. the most ludicrous of them all..

The Oklahoman Storm Chaser is a common breed of storm chaser, they inhabit their homes waiting for David Payne to show up, they get inside the 4x4 mounted with a make-shift Doppler radar, and try to get as close to a tornado. The real question we ask is... Stupid, or Brave? eh maybe its from all the beers.

"Holy cow, Spencer is a real Oklahoman Storm Chaser!"

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Storm Chasers - video


Storm Chasers - what is it?

A storm chasing game created by manlytoaj in Roblox also referred to as SCR6 within the community. Where you get the action packed thrill of chasing Tornado’s and super cell thunderstorms in a virtual form.

John: Wanna hop on and chase some tornados in Storm Chasers Reborn 6?

Super: sure ill hop on SCR6!

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What does "Storm Chasers" mean?

The phrase "hairy storm chaser" is used when described a particularly large, hirsute gentlemen who prefers the company of men such as himself, and has a predilection for analingus

Timothy is a such a hairy storm chaser. You should have seen at the leather bar after Taco Night at the Mexican restrauant.

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Storm Chasers - what does it mean?

Dramatized, exaggerates, always incorrect, blankets blankets blankets

Steven the storm chaser, will chase a fart in a blokes pants and call it a ecl...

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Storm Chasers - meaning

A storm chaser is someone who drinks so much they throw up a storm, then chase it down with another drink right after.

"Hey, did you see Gavin at that party last night?"
"Yeah, he was a real storm chaser."

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Storm Chasers - definition

A person who seeks relationships that are in constant turmoil

Dont hook up with Amy, she's a total storm chaser.

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Storm Chasers - slang

Well-educated meteorologists who drive around the central united states searching for tornadoes to learn more and more about them. Not some crazy oklahomens who drive in 4x4's and jabber on with each other thorugh CB radios, just like everyone besides Jo and Bill in Twister. Here's some good advice, don't go chasing tornadoes unless your prepared, or better yet, play it safe and don't go at all!

- Warren Faidley, The world's first professional storm chaser.

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Storm Chasers

The Minor League Baseball team located in Omaha, Nebraska. The Storm Chasers are the Triple-A affiliate of the Kansas City Royals.

The Omaha Storm Chasers defeated the Memphis Redbirds last night at Werner Park.

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