Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Stizz?

Totally wacked outta your mind on coke, crank or crack that you can't do any more and live!

"Like, Dude! Been Crankin' for 2 days now! I'm sooooo STIZZED!"

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Stizz - meme gif

Stizz meme gif

Stizz - video


Stizz - what is it?

a form of language

whizznuts izznup (whats up)

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What does "Stizz" mean?

noun. An arrogant, conceited jock who's main concern is getting some; a sex addict; one who likes to hook up/ have sex with as many girls as possible.

Eric hooked up with 5 girls in one night and had sex with 2! He's the stizz!

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Stizz - what does it mean?

1) To be wasted on any number of controlled substances, and realizing you've probably had more than enough and had better lay down before you fall down.

We've smoked ourselves stizzed.

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Stizz - meaning


dude thats pimp stizz!

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Stizz - definition

to be high, or stoned.

aww shit man, i'm gettin stizzed tonight!

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Stizz - slang

Totally smoking yourself retardes with marajuana.

I smoked 10 bowls and was totally stizzed.

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Beyond being stealthy. Can also be an answer to any question.
(Created by Karif Osazuwa of Boston MA)

bob: "yo how'd you do that?"
jim: "Stizz"
bob: "Hey.. you were just at home.. how did you get to the store before me?:
Jim: "Stizz"

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A batt and a J pod. Only called a stizz if it's exclusively for weed. Great neck slang only.

Person 1: Ayo, Shav. Pass the stizz
Shav: Aight, you got it boss

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Nice ass

Danm that shawty Gotta Firm Stizz

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