Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Spookie?

To a great extent or degree, very, extremely to the point of being scary.

Replaces the exaggerated soooo

I'm soooo drunk it's scary! = I'm SPOOKY drunk!
I'm soooo horny it's scary! = I'm SPOOKY horny!
I'm soooo stoned it's scary. = I'm SPOOKY stoned!

👍175 👎135

Spookie - meme gif

Spookie meme gif

Spookie - video


Spookie - what is it?

Nickname assigned to Ppecial Agent Fox Mulder.

Scully: "Thats spooky."
Mulder: "Thats my name isn't it?"

👍199 👎153

What does "Spookie" mean?

An amazing, sexy female that you instantly fall for.

She was a spookie girl and I will never forget her.

👍89 👎49

Spookie - what does it mean?


spooki is hot

👍41 👎13

Spookie - meaning

1: suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious.

eerie, bizarre, odd

👍431 👎173

Spookie - definition

anything scarier than spooky. or used when just trying to be cute.

also used to piss off the spelling nazi's who don't know a damn thing but think they know everything.

It's Spookie to think that this little shit will someday have a vote in this country.

👍99 👎31

Spookie - slang

There is a big difference between the words "spooky" and "creepy." Spooky can't hurt you. Creepy can and probably will. Goth is not "Creepy." It's "Spooky." rubber bats are not "creepy." They're "spooky."

skull jewelry=spooky
coming across a human skull in your backyard=creepy. (well, maybe not, depending on who put it there/your tastes)

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A sexual Deviant that preys on the weak, young children,very drunk women and animals.

Look there is a Spookie,he is trying to snatch that kid!!

👍41 👎47


When you apologize to your partner by buying her/him cookies and spoon them while they eat the cookies.

I fogot our anniversary but luckily I spooked her the next day. Saved my marriage.

Spookie pookie poo.

👍33 👎17


Some toxic little shit on twitter

Hey! That kid named Spookie started drama again!

👍31 👎13