Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SpeedBoat?

A single-wide trailer with indoor toilet.

Q: Hey what are you going to do with the money you won?
A: Probably buy a Puerto Rican Speedboat for my mother.

Q: Hey how's that essay Ramos doin'?
A: He's good just moved into a new Puerto Rican Speedboat with his wife.

Q: Oh that'll be good to have that indoor toilet for all nine of his kids.

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SpeedBoat - meme gif

SpeedBoat meme gif

SpeedBoat - video


SpeedBoat - what is it?

Taking the drugs DayQuil and NightQuil at the same time. That shit cray.

i was flying on a russian speedboat the entire funeral, it was great.

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What does "SpeedBoat" mean?

The act of shitting on a girls tits and then motor boating her

“I gave Jessica a chocolate speedboat last night and it was stinky but dope

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SpeedBoat - what does it mean?

The phrase "supermodels and speedboats" as a whole refers to the lifestyle of some financially well off bachelors who devote themselves to surrounding themselves with very attractive young women and to a leisurely sporting life; straight forward excitement.

Walter White: Anything suspicious?
Hank Schrader: Still no, Walt.
Walter: Well, then should we go?
Hank: Got some place to be? Because, it's like, the third time you asked me that.
Walter: No, I'm just curious what the next move is.
Hank: Our next three moves is sitting here and waiting. This here's the job, buddy. Ain't all supermodels and speedboats, you know.

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SpeedBoat - meaning

Like the 'Cleveland steamer' you take a dump on your girls chest- then you 'motorboat' her

Barry took a big dump on his girlfriends chest, then he performed a motorboat, resulting in a Cleveland Speedboat

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SpeedBoat - definition

A car so filled with Mexicans that the rear of the car hangs low to the ground giving it the impression of a speedboat speeding across the water.

"Hey did you see that Mexican Speedboat? I think the muffler was sparking."

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SpeedBoat - slang

n, v. The act when one man buries his face in between another man's buttocks and vigorously throws his head back and forth while resonating his lips to make a "brrrrr" sound. Very similar to motorboating.

I almost passed out with delight when Henry knelt behind me, buried his face between my naked ass cheeks, and gave me a Sebago Speedboat.

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Chugging huge amounts of cock.

Guy Lombardo was not just a orchestra leader, he was into speedboating as well.

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The sound one makes by placing his or her face in cleavage and shaking their face back and forth while exhaling creating a "brrrrrrp rrrrp rrrrp rrrrp" sound.

The hummer she gave me was so good, I gave her a speedboat as my way of saying thanks.

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Probably the coolest of the boats. Very fast and often used for racing. Also the nickname for Elizabeth SpeedBoat. Elizabeth SpeedBoat from Aspen Colorado/Los Angeles California is an artist, and the most expert of expert enterprenuers.

You want to wakeboard behind my speedboat? Hey SpeedBoat, you wanna hit this bong?

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