Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Speakish?

To speak so quickly that you replace parts of a word with another.

Often very embarrassing, because it normally happens when attempting to burn somebody.

Derived from "Speakable English"

-Pimp- Nigga, iz you high?

-Man 1- Iz I high?

-Man 2- NIGGA, iz you Speakish Engable?

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Speakish - video


Speakish - what is it?

Speakish is where someone has obviously uses a voice-to-text method to write out something that is printed or on the internet because its grammar is incorrect or badly put together using a homophone. Examples are "there" "they're" and "their." "Bear" and "bear." "Brake" and "break." Also "gift" and "gif." Making a real difference in communication quality.

"James, did you see this ad for new cars ? That is totally within my price range !"
"I don't know, Brad. look at the ad. It says, 'Our cars are hot. Get them while there still here.' That's speakish. Not a sign of quality advertising I believe and reflects badly on the company itself."

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