Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slob On My Knob?

when a man or woman sucks or licks on a rusty doorknob and likes it

Kevin likes to casually slob on my knob.(meaning he sucked on my rusty doorknob)

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Slob On My Knob - video


Slob On My Knob - what is it?

The phrase "slobbing on my knob" is another definition for meat rider, it is used when the person has been meat riding for quite a while.

Owen was talking about how Angel is very good looking for the past 40 minutes

"Buddy you are slobbing on my knob right now"

👍27 👎11

What does "Slob On My Knob" mean?

Slob on my Knob is term saying a man wants a blowjob

Dang, I want her to slob on my knob

I am so horny hey girlfriend can you come slob on my knob real quick?

👍31 👎13

Slob On My Knob - what does it mean?

Suck a big fat juicy dick like corn on the cob

Ex: yo u better slob on my knob

👍49 👎25

Slob On My Knob - meaning

the giving of "head" or "noggin" or basicaly a blow job from a women to a man

yo that girl stacy slobed all over my knob

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Slob On My Knob - definition

suck my dick

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Slob On My Knob - slang

giving or recieving oral sex A.K.A. HEAD

slob on my knob like corn on the cob check in with me and do the job lay me on the bed and give me head dont have to plead dont have to beg

👍573 👎181

Slob On My Knob

means to give a man oral sex

slob on my knob, like corn on the cob

👍1363 👎391

Slob On My Knob

1: blowjob

2:An AWSOME song by three 6 mafia

1: DUUUUUUUUDE she slobed on my knob

2: Slob on my knob
Like corn on the cob
Check in with me, and do your job
Lay on the bed, and give me head
Don't have to ask, don't have to beg
Juicy is my name
Sex is my game
Let's call the boys, let's run a train
Squeeze on my nuts
Lick on my butt
The natural curly hair, please don't touch
First find a mate
Second find a place

Third find a bag to hide the whole face

👍349 👎59

Slob On My Knob

When You Suck A Man's Dick

Slob On My Knob, Like Corn On The Cobb, Check In With Me, And Do You Job.

👍941 👎241