Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Slavey?

a adjective used to describe someone who slaves over something. A slavey is much like someones bitch. Slavey and McTavish can be broken up, but the individual words mean the same thing as the full phrase

Frank: I feel like such a Slavey McTavish

George: Your my McTavish now!

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Slavey - meme gif

Slavey meme gif

Slavey - video


Slavey - what is it?

Salvei was orginally used in the game Dungonkeeper from Bullfrog.
Now its used when you speek to a close friend.

"Slavei, Get me some cofee"

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What does "Slavey" mean?

a boy, formerly called david, whose name changes based on the fact that he is at your beck and call

"my boyfried is a total Slavey"

"MINE TOO! he's called Slavid Cameron!"

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Slavey - what does it mean?

Used to describe a person with slave-like behavior or mentality. Often used by Indonesian girls from an upscale upbringing (with lots of servants) to describe the kind of guy they wish to date.

Chard: What do you look for in a guy?
Salim: Nice, Slavey, Funny
Chard: What was that?
Salim: What?

Chard: You said something. In between, Nice and Funny.
Salim: You know... "Slavey" where a guy is at your beck and call.
Chard: So you basically want a slave
Salim: No, no... just a slavey guy

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