Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Siti?

She is the most beautiful and amazing woman you will ever see in your life. She's smart,attractive,kind and will makes your life complete if you get her

Bro 1:hey man,I met this girl


smart,attractive,kind and so

on,I think I'm in love with her.

Bro 2:well,it's seems that you have met

siti hajar,lucky you.

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Siti - meme gif

Siti meme gif

Siti - video


Siti - what is it?

A nickname for thou amazing greek god Michael Sitro. Michael Sitro (also known as M city) is a large sized king of America, known to be the size of the titanic. He has many amazing features such as his morbidly gigantic nose and a fat head similar to that of Frankenstein and or Nick birch. Unfortuanly he has been recently caught in drama where thou authorities confiscated his telephone. For a reason I cannot say. In conclusion he is a very swell person and I love him.

Your looking rather satisfactory today, You look like M Sity.

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What does "Siti" mean?

a typical name for a minah (see definition for minah)

Which one of the minahs is siti?

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Siti - what does it mean?

an old english term for chair, used often in common language of upper class citizens, if you did not know this word your an idiot.

i was sitting on my sity when sean pushed me off.

toby was selling his sity for crack

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Siti - meaning

a name of arabic and swahili origin (NOT MINAH NOR MALAY; if you think so you are obviously VERY narrow minded, racist and ignorant. oh so very ignorant) meaning wise woman or wisdom. Usually used as a prefix to a longer name.

I have a friend named Siti. She is muslim.

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Siti - definition

Name for a girl . Most common first name for a Malay girl . Siti means β€œCik,Puan”. Usually someone name Siti is a β€œHappy go lucky” person. Someone that you can talk to ( share problems) since she is a very honest .

Apa khabar siti

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Siti - slang

A person that is awesome and loves to eat chickens, not only that but also calls people chicken or idiots like you who's reading.

Siti said, "Ai lin is a chicken".

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a shy girl ..but don't judges her yet. Once you know her...she is getting dumb and dumb. siti is a good listener. she also a fat type person. maybe a fat type heart too. btw she've been dreaming on to become someone gorgeous. she met the skincare doctor a.k.a. dermatologist to lessen her acne scar.

"I want to meet city"
"What city?"
"it's siti... not city"
" mean shitty?"
"uurghhh ..never mind*

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siti is nice and kind one she was pretty and good but she like to be alone and pretty shy.But remember once you know he you will love to be her friend.

holla siti nice to meet ya!

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A cute girl. A very independent girls.if you own hers don't ever tried to left her.Because she is worth treasure
She is unique and kind.she is wife material.

If you seeking for happines. Find siti!

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