Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MINAH?

Dumb / Dissassociation

Why are you acting so minah today?

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MINAH - meme gif

MINAH meme gif

MINAH - video


MINAH - what is it?

Badass herion rock/baggy couture Chic.
else whiles wears - Bikersunglasses. Baggy pants. Black hightop converse or marc jacobs for her big ass beads. And you know the rest. Marykate/ sienna miller.

I love my darling minah here! so fashionassy

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What does "MINAH" mean?

The person who is banned from β€œjose’s learning server” and blocked by melane on discord

Minah gaga

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MINAH - what does it mean?

Person who is undeniably funny in the cute kind of way. Always fun to talk to.

Bob: How was Shakeout?
Minah: Shakeout?
Bob: The day everyone pretended there was an earthquake?
Minah: OHHHH! We just call that "The one day when we do an earthquake drill. XD"

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MINAH - meaning

a really adorable girl who has the hottest legs and the best personality


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MINAH - definition

A beautiful funny girl if you find one never let her go they are rare and before them. They are caring and kind. They can be really badass too. If you have a Minah as your best friend you are extremely lucky.

Person 1: Minah is literally perfect!!
Person 2: I kniw right!!!

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MINAH - slang

A beautiful person and is very sweet and kind. She always makes people smile, and is an amazing girlfriend!

Minah makes me smile

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the name of an amazing person. she is very pretty and just a badass girl. her laugh is so beautiful and her smile makes you happy. she is very funny and very competitive.she is smart and super caring. she seems quiet but when you get to know her you cant get enough. you will fall in love with her personality. she is so nice and would never hurt anyone. if you know a minah then you should keep her close and dont let her go because she is a diamond and her love will make you so happy forever. just making her happy will make you happy...

i cant stop thinking about minah... i hope she thinks about me just as much as i think of her.

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The opposite of mats.

The female sub-culture of the malay community in singapore, or neighbouring malaysia. They wear tapered pants, g-strings and uber tight clothes when they know they're fucking fat. How these mats still get turned on by them is beyond anyone.

How to identify them:
1-At an average of 5 words, the word 'sial', or 'siak' or 'siol' will be used. These words are phrase emphasisers like fug or shit in their mother tongue, malay.

2-They are fucking anoying hoes who tune their cheap ass nokias with fucking loud speakers and play the same monophonic ringtone again and again repeatedly in the fucking bus or train and never get bored with it. They always appear to have different opinions and comments about it.

3-They're fuckin dumb

4- they're broke as fuck like they're male counterparts (mats)

5-you can find them at any void deck of any hdb flats in singapore. They're usually in large groups, of about 8, playing shit music on some cheap ass guitar, sharing a cigarette.

They're comparable to the blondes of america except, they're fucken ugly like 90% of the time.

If u get called a minah, u've been insulted beyond recognition. Its so bad, u'll lose the purpose of living.

Hey minah, can u shut that fuck cheap ass nokia of urs?

first dude: Dude, i think im gonna die, god is sending me signs, that minah just winked at me.

second dude: DAYM!!

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An expression of positive affirmation described by the usage tone.

(Originated in 2005: Minneapolis, MN and Milwaukee, WI)


Examples of analogous usage:

"Minah." = cool
"Minah!" = very cool
"MINAH!" = excellent
"Minaaaaah." = cool and unanticipated


Person 1: "Meet you at the bar around 10?

Person 2: "Minah."


Person 1: "I found a ticket to tomorrow's sold-out game for you."

Person 2: "Minaaaaah!"

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