Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shygirl?

my nickname my baby LOON gave me

LOON loves Shygirl

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Shygirl - meme gif

Shygirl meme gif

Shygirl - video


Shygirl - what is it?

My homegurl 4 life! H.X.V!

Hey Shygurl's! Wuz up!?
Still Representin that SUR13?
You betta be be gurl!

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What does "Shygirl" mean?

a dope azz nickname

Sup shygirl

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Shygirl - what does it mean?

A baddie who works out from home because they don’t want to or can’t go to a gym

β€œYo does your girl go to the gym with you?”
β€œNah she’s a shygirl. She hits legs in her garage.”

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