Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Short kings?

A short king is a term made popular by Cody Ko and Noel Miller to describe a short boy who has an inflated ego despite lack of stature. A short king will usually have a very sarcastic sense of humor and feels the need to prove himself as an Alpha despite being two feet tall. Short kings are 5'9'' and under.

Short King: "Should I go talk to Chad for you? I can convince him to come over here."
Friend of Short King: "Please don't Short King this up!"

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Short kings - video


Short kings - what is it?

A Short-King is someone who is below 6 foot tall and deserves praise as a king, i.e ludwig, MoistCritikal and cody co

"we stan a Short-King."

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What does "Short kings" mean?

A term used by manlets to cope with being assigned a sissy beta male role at birth.

jack is a short king!

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Short kings - what does it mean?

The best of men, most of whom end up becoming ruthless dictators.

The short king invaded the neighboring lands

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Short kings - meaning

"Short King (noun): A vertically challenged individual who may not reach great heights, but they've mastered the art of standing tall in life's little victories. Like pocket-sized superheroes, Short Kings bring their unique flair to the world, offering the perfect armrest for tall friends and the undeniable charisma of a fun-sized dynamo. Short Kings are proof that great things come in small packages."

Nicholas is a Short King

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Short kings - definition

They are below 5’5 but are packing a whol third leg down in their pp area.

Ima short kings trust.

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Short kings - slang

Lionel AndrΓ©s Messi

Lionel AndrΓ©s Messi is a Short King

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Short kings

Men under 175 cm-172 cm (5`9 - 5`7) , depends on country. The average world height of a man is 175-172 cm. Height is mostly pre determined, and cant be changed. A short king is the short man or short boy who fights no matter what. In school, in the gym, in the office. Tries to be confident no matter what. Even in pain or in joy, the short king tries to be the best they can be, for themself and for others. Even if the odds are against them. Even if the short man or short boy gets bullied or rejected, the still rises up, like a phoenix from the ashes. As the king he is. Standing victorious. For those reasons above. Short kings tend to me smarter, kinder, hotter also more muscular definition. Short kings play the game on hard mode, tall men kill minions, short kings kill demons. Short kings are the ultimate warrior in life. All should be respected regardless of height.

Examples of short kings.

Tom Cruise (Rich, handsome)
Kevin Hart

Zac Effron
Lionel Messi (GOAT)
Kanye West (Visionary)
Tom Holland (Spider-Man)
Tyler1 (Built different)
Daniel Radcliffe


Robert Downey

DJ Khaled
Justin Bieber
Shah Rukh Khan

Jeff Bezoz (Richest man in the world)
Nelly (handsome)
Jack Ma

Aliko Dangote

Azim Premji (Philantropist)

Albert Einstein
Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Gates
Stephen Hawking
Lee Byung-chul (Samsung creator)
Lewis Latimer (Inventor)
Floyd Mayweather (Strongest)
Manny Pacquiao







We got this kings

"Look at that short man, what is he doing ?"
- "Oh you mean the short king? Yeah he cool"

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Short kings

A term of endearment for men under 5’9. Many use it for their favorite male celebrity/youtuber/etc who are under 5’9.Popularized by cody ko and Noel Miller in their videos. Short King and manlet aren’t interchangeable. Manlet is more of an insult towards short men in general or for short men who are insecure about their height and try to make up for it by acting more masculine(like body building and lifting)

β€œCody ko is such a short king!”
β€œ I know right? Short kings only”

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Short kings

A man who realizes that his lack of height has nothing to do with his perception of his own self worth.

You can’t be a short king if you are not 100% comfortable with being short.

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