Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Short Shorts?

Very short Shorts......
Usually worn by girls who want to show off their assests...
AKA Daisy Dukes...

Damn Sue, I love the way your ass hangs out of your Short Sleeve Shorts!

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Short Shorts - video


Short Shorts - what is it?

An insult and/or taunt directed at a person who is neither fat nor short.

Timmy: Fatty fatty short short! Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: No!
Timmy: Yeah, fatty fatty short short!
Billy: You're so mean Timmy Adams McGree!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: Shut up!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: I'm warning you!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: Nooooooo!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short sho... (stabbed)
BIlly: I warned you, I WARNED YOU!
Timmy: Fatty... fatty... short... short...

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What does "Short Shorts" mean?

An insult and/or taunt directed at a person who is neither fat nor short.

Timmy: Fatty fatty short short! Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: No!
Timmy: Yeah, fatty fatty short short!
Billy: You're so mean Timmy Adams McGree!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: Shut up!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: I'm warning you!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short short!
Billy: Nooooooo!
Timmy: Fatty fatty short sho... (stabbed)
BIlly: I warned you, I WARNED YOU!
Timmy: Fatty... fatty... short... short...

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Short Shorts - what does it mean?

A rhythm during sex where entry is very shallow for two thrusts, followed by a single surprise deep entry. Generally used for teasing purposes.

"I teased her by going short-short-long on her for an hour."

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Short Shorts - meaning

shorts worn short enough for your junk to hang out; worn by runners because they are "supposed" to make you run faster

hey look there is Nirav running in his short shorts and his junk is hanging out

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Short Shorts - definition

1. Short pants whose hemline is above the finger tips with the arms at one's sides.

2. Short pants whose hemline is above half-thigh.

Also: "short-shorts".

Runner's shorts are often short shorts.

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Short Shorts - slang

very, very short shorts

ew, he's wearing short shorts.

damn, she's wearing short shorts

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Short Shorts

a pair of shorts that exposes parts of the leg that are not meant to be exposed

usually worn by females, or males who are extremely comfortable with themselves

"nice short-shorts!!!(guy smiling and giving thumbs up)"

"ew, those short-shorts are showing more than I need to see!"

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Short Shorts

Extremely short shorts.

we wear short shorts.

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Short Shorts

What women wear to show off their ass.
Also used while twerking.

Guy 1- "I saw Lisa in short shorts the other day."
Guy 2- "Was her ass hanging out?"
Guy 1- "Hell yeah! When she saw me looking at it she started twerking!"
Guy 2- "Damn, I wish I had been there."

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