Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shits gay?

Something us Homosexuals need after being around ignorant straight people all day

β€œHey are you doing all right?”
β€œNo, I really need some of that gay shit once I get home. I visited the hallways of my middle school from last year.”

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Shits gay - video


Shits gay - what is it?

An act or a comment by a person that has queer tendencies, but is not necessarily performed by a homosexual.

Person 1: I enjoy this visa checkcard commercial, its pretty funny.
Person 2: Gay Shit!

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What does "Shits gay" mean?

A term used instantly after saying that gay shit to cover your back

Tim: I would suck her dads dick just to get a taste of the recipe

Mike: WTF??
Tim: No gay shit tho
Mike: Oh ok

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Shits gay - what does it mean?

When something is really gay looking like a gay post, meme, song.
Favourite thing of {LGBT+} community to say when going through their daily routine of gay.

Person 1: What are you doing?
Person 2: {Looking at gay shit}
*Person 1 and Person 2 high fives*

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Shits gay - meaning

something you miss

miss me with that gay shit

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Shits gay - definition


Fortnite is some gay shit

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Shits gay - slang

There is only one true definition,

The gay shit is me.

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Shits gay

what one might say if they disapprove of the quality/content of whatever it is that is in question

friend1: check out my new wheels niqqa
friend2: your shit is gay

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Shits gay

what u say when something makes you mad

friend:* says/does sum pisses u off*
β€œshits gay”

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Shits gay

When shits is gay.

Someone says do you want to do something and you dont want to so you say: Shits Gay

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