Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shanah?

It's a noun. Always, ALWAYS to be spent on Josh Maloney

Shanah bartels money was spent on Josh because she is a nice person

👍27 👎15

Shanah - meme gif

Shanah meme gif

Shanah - video


Shanah - what is it?

A Beautiful, Tough, Smart and Lovely Girl or Woman who stops at nothing to get what she deserves 💙

Shanah is amazing

👍95 👎15

What does "Shanah" mean?

Might be amazing but if you get on there bad side they won't hesitate to fight you

Person: hey your shit

Shanah: wanna fight me bro

👍25 👎11

Shanah - what does it mean?

Doing a shanah.

Staring at your phone while someone is speaking to you. Not even an eyebrow raise as awknowledgment that the person is there let alone speaking.

Mate would you stop doing a shanah and put your phone away.

👍25 👎11