Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Shambag?

A dusty, beat up plastic bowl filled with popped pimples and zits. Horse semen and leprechaun pubes is then added to all the particles in the bowl, and then it gets blended. When the blending is done, you have now created the mixture, SHAM™. It is then poured into a zip-lock bag that has holes punched in it. You place the SHAMBAG™ inside someone's pillowcase, so when they go to sleep, the SHAM slowly oozes out onto their face.

Hey, if you're going to prank Sam, just place a SHAMBAG™ under his pillow.

👍31 👎11

Shambag - video


Shambag - what is it?

Is a slang word, used mainly in Ireland to describe a person who tries to be, and acts like a chav or its Irish counterpart - knacker.

They spend most of their time "hanging" around in groups acting "hard", desperately trying to get attention from a particularily classy breed of girl (or guy).

Often Shambags come from well off backgrounds and are very wealthy indeed, some even attending private schools! They desperately try to con everybody into thinking they are chavs so to appear tough, usually driven by low self-esteem.

They wear Burberry hats, Lacoste or Fred Perry tops (preferably striped horizontally), traksuit bottoms (often white) and white shoes with the laces tucked in the side and the tongue puled out over the end of the trouser leg

the word shambag comes from "sham" as in to con and "scumbag" - the look these people are trying to achieve

The Shambag race is growing rapidly and needs to be stopped, lets just hope they die out in a bloody war with the Emo

"what a shambag"
"That guy is such a shambag"

👍37 👎19