Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Setsuko?

Big tittied goth girlfriend with parental issues and simp

"Setsuko is such a simp"

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Setsuko - meme gif

Setsuko meme gif

Setsuko - video


Setsuko - what is it?

A seita and setsuko is a pair of siblings or more orphaned by war. This is referencing the 1988 film grave of the fireflies

The army man saw a seita and setsuko abandoned in a cave

👍27 👎11

What does "Setsuko" mean?

A cute girl, often small who always laugh ! Be with her for 2 hours and it will make tour day. She is prettier everyday and always smiling and make fun if herself
One of the best person on the earth

Random: you know Setsuko
Random: The girl with the cute smile?

👍25 👎11