Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SeDa?

Seda is one of the most cutest and sexiest girls u will ever meet! her style is amazing but she could be bossy too. don’t mess with this bitch she will definitely beat your ass. But she will be an amazing friend and will be there for you whenever you need her if you treat her right. she tries her best in everything but sometimes she gets jealous of others too. Sometimes she just confused with love but she will treat you as good as she could. she’s a little bit emotional but actually a really baddie! trust me she is one of the best hearted girls you will meet , she will just need a bit time to open up to you and she will treat you like a queen/king if you give her the same energy

i wish i had a badass and sweet friend as Seda!

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SeDa - meme gif

SeDa meme gif

SeDa - video


SeDa - what is it?

Sedae is a rat who is crippled and always smells like gasoline

Omg is that a gasoline covered rat oh wait that’s sedae

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What does "SeDa" mean?

Christopher Seda is a big fat cocoa puff and he looks like a buddha with that haircut. He likes to annoy Ana in Micah's class and he likes pen tapping. He likes making weird noises on calls, so beware. He is also a nice and funny person, but he is annoying at times. He has a glowing white tit on his roof. If you are friends with a Christopher Seda BEWARE.

That guy has a white tit on his roof!
His name must be Christopher Seda!

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SeDa - what does it mean?

Seda is the coolest, sweetest, funniest, and kindest girl ive ever known! i love her with all my heart! She is gorgous!

SeDa KiSs!! liKe Jada Kiss

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SeDa - meaning

A man who ages way before his time. A man whose hair line resembles a cul-de-sac.

Seth, I thought you were only 23. You're turning into a seda.

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SeDa - definition

dirty kinky little boy

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SeDa - slang

Seda is a beautiful sexy women who falls in love with a man that name starts with an S.

Hey look at Seda she looks very good with that man named saro

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Gorgeous, outgoing, funny, reliable, honest, loving, sweet

"wow that is such a typical seda"

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Seda is a smart and supper cool girl she's often creative and full-energy she loves attention and tells no one she's in love with, or she just puts a boy's name you should be with her friends because if you know her she's A supper weird, nice girlfriend you will meet she is also very sweet except to people she hates she is the best confidential person you will ever meet she can very well keep secrets from others and never tell anyone She takes permission, you really should be friends with her!

I wish that i had a friend like Seda, she is so awesome, handsome and helpfull, outgoing, crazy girl i've ever met i love her!

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The most amazing, hilarious, beautiful, stylish, great hair, jaw dropping-gorgeous, don't mess with this bitch, real, hottest girl you will ever smeet, sweet, intelligent, best eyes, heart-warming, succeful, perfect, outstanding person you'll ever meet.

Damn, I wish I had some Seda!

I aint take your b.s. Imma Seda!

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