Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Scrappers?

A conlanger (language inventor) who keeps creating conlangs, then deprecating them and starting new ones.

My first conlang was Arushtrian. It was a relex of English, so I scrapped it as soon as I realized how n00bish it was. Then I took Latin and created Vettizish, an uninspired Latin clone. I scrapped that. Then I created EdΓ©tonzhuq, a kitchen-sink lang, and when I realized how unworkable it was I trashed that one too. Then I created Apharish, but after 1 page of grammar and 2 words of lexicon I abandoned it. Then I created Ghandizka, and three weeks later I scrapped it too. I worked out the case system and morphosyntactic alignment for Mezzobradian, but after a month I had only gotten to a 1,200-word grammar and fewer than 100 words of lexicon, and got rid of it as well. I've just started on Pissschludel two seconds ago. I'm a scrapper.

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Scrappers - meme gif

Scrappers meme gif

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Scrappers - what is it?

someone who does something that is annoying and petulant or someone who just plain fucks with people

if i were to pull down your pants you would call me a scrapper

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What does "Scrappers" mean?

19th Century term referring to poor people fighting over the scraps left inside a trash can.

"Ol' boy be packing on weight, right? With no cheese, better give a path to the can, he's a mad scrapper".

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Scrappers - what does it mean?

A kinda Buick, wid 22's, candy paint, GAS BRAKE DIPPIN!!!!! (this explains the scrappin part, scrappin the front and back ends of the car,) aka the bumpers, term that came from the BAY AREA

gettin HYPHY in a scrapper
err body in da scrapper gettin tipsy

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Scrappers - meaning

It is a type of car called a Buick. It comes from the Bay Area which is in Kali4nia.

Aye man look at that scrapper wit all tha doors open, they gettin hyphy.

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Scrappers - definition

One who collects scrap metal and cashes it in for cash!

Look at my friend Chris. He just scrapped 2 dryers and and a frigerator and made $45. What a SCRAPPER! He is helping the environment . Business is only good for a strong person. Must be able to load a 200 lb appliance by oneself. ie,, washing machine, oven, itc... Splitting rewards is tough on the pocket.

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Scrappers - slang

(1) Someone who collects and sells scrap and/or trash, others have discarded.

(2) Someone who is habitually involved in physical altercations with other people.

1) The scrapper will be here at six to pick up the unwanted swing set in the backyard.

2) I wish you didn't pride yourself in being a scrapper, you're going to end up in jail.

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Someone who looks small but is really wired and can kick some major ass even though he doesn't look like it.

They started pickin on that guy over there and the little scrapper took 'em all.

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someone who is very good at fighting and coming out of a fight winning

Jordan is a scrapper, he fought with the quarterback and won

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A person who collects various discarded and unwanted precious metals (aluminum, steel, etc.) and takes said metals to a scrapyard where they are rewarded with a small monetary reward. Such rewards are determined by the type of metal and collective weight. Most often a scrapper does not have a steady/regular paycheck to count on so the scrapping they do is treated like a regular 9 to 5 occupation.

Nicholas knowledge base regarding different types of metals had grown exponentially since he began being a full-time scrapper two years ago. He had become a seasoned scrapper and could easily determine a metal's type by either sight, sound, or touch.

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