Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Schiavo's?

When you are planning to get fucked up, retarded

I am going to get Schiavoed tonight

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Schiavo's - meme gif

Schiavo's meme gif

Schiavo's - video


Schiavo's - what is it?

(v.) To continue the life of something (whether it's a joke, a person, or something else) long after it's dead.

1. That show's been Schaivoing since Season 6.
2. My friend: Don't you think it's awful to make light of Terry Schiavo?
Me: Not at all.

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What does "Schiavo's" mean?


Terri Schiavo, the Florida women who became a vegetable when her heart failed due to a condition brought on by her eating disorder. She became the center of a media circus and political pawn when her parents fought against her husband in the courts to try to keep her alive (her husband contended that she wouldn't want to be kept alive in such a state.) Her husband won and her feeding tube was removed. On March 31, 2005 she died of starvation.
A person who is in need of a feeding tube to stay alive; a vegetable.
An act of posing as a vegetable or coma patient (often for a picture); "On three, everybody do the Schiavo!"

Vegetative; physically inactive; "He was so stoned he looked schiavo."
To be in need of a feeding tube.
v. intr.

Slang. To be extremly hungry; starving to death; β€œLets eat, I'm totally schiavo”

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Schiavo's - what does it mean?

To feel hungry or starved.

Originated from the Terry Schiavo right-to-die debate, and it only went downhill from there.

I'm feelin' schiavo. Let's head to taco bell...

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Schiavo's - meaning

(v) to Schiavo - to manually turn off the computer by pulling the plug rather than going through the shutdown process.

Poncho: Hey, Bryan, the computer froze and I can't figure out how to fix it.
Bryan: Looks like you'll have to Schiavo it.

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Schiavo's - definition

To get retardedly drunk

Man I got so schiavoed last night i wound up making out with some fat chick.

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Schiavo's - slang

Too drunk or stoned to move. In a vegetable like state. Refers to the look of Terri Schiavo, who in March 2005 was involved in major supreme court rulings on whether or not she would remain living off machines, or would be put to rest as her husband says she wanted.

"Dude! Look at me! I am way to schiavoed to do anything right now"

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To drink or smoke oneself into a state of complete oblivion.

"Dan just got Schiavo'd, he had fourteen shots of Jack Daniels and took five bong hits"

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getting fucked up to a state of mental and physical retardation

dude, lets all get schiavoed tonight

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straight destroyed mentally, shit-faced

Dude, we got so schiavoed last night. This morning we found jizz on the dining room table. Nobody knows who it belongs too.

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