Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Terri Schiavo?

15 years in a persistant vegatative state is not life. Having no capacity for thought, she has lost her humanity and become little more then another political issue that Bush and the federal courts should stay out of, but stick their greasy fingers into anyway.

People seem to be poiting the finger at Michael Schiavo, blaming him for continuing his life while his wife rots in a hospital. The fact of the matter is that Michael Schiavo has power of attorney under the law, something all the conservative, pro-life morons in the world dont seem to realize. What that means is that he DOES have every right to decide what to do with his wife. The man still has a life to live and is fully entitled to the insurance on his wife, which is why her parents are trying so hard to get him to divorce her. Once that is done, he loses any rights he would have had to the money, which would then go to the parents. It is because of the greed of the parents that this issue has gone on so long. Why else would they want to keep a vegetable alive for 15 years, especially after every doctor to walk into the room has told them that she has virtually no brain activity and no chance for recovery?

Michael Schiavo 1, Schindlers 0

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Terri Schiavo - video

Terri Schiavo - what is it?

The biggest political issue to hit Florida since Elian Gonzalez.

These Jesus freaks and politicians refuse to realize that.

1. Her brains are mush.
2. She’s never going to have a life.
3. People stop eating days before they die.

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What does "Terri Schiavo" mean?

A woman who is in the middle of a Conservative VS Liberal political football game.

This is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.

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Terri Schiavo - what does it mean?

Terri Schiavo died like shortly after 9:00 AM on Tuesday, March 31st, 2005. She starved to death because her husband finally convinced the courts to order her feeding tube removed after 15 years.

Why is it that you people say we have no idea what she wants because she left no will, but you can say with certainty that there is "no doubt about" God being mad about this? Can you prove that God exists? Did he mail you a postcard saying "Hey, I'm a little pissed off about the whole Terri Schiavo thing, ya think you could stir up a bunch of shit on the internet for me? Love always, Dad." No.

πŸ‘87 πŸ‘Ž49

Terri Schiavo - meaning

A brain-damaged woman whose right-to-die case between her husband and her parents has been turned into another tawdry soap opera by the media and politicians β€” as well as a definition-turned-message board on Urban Dictionary featuring a non-so-civil debate between rabid conservative jackasses and elitist liberal jackasses.

You partisan idiots really make me sick.

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Terri Schiavo - definition

It's a good thing Janet Reno isn't still the attorney general.She would just be all like,"Fuck it,I'm sick of this Mexican standoff.Burn the building down."

Fuckin jack-booted thugs.

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Terri Schiavo - slang

...died today. Let's stop arguing about her, all right? Be nice to one another.

Let her rest in peace, and hopefully her husband and parents can stop arguing over funeral arrangements.

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Terri Schiavo

What happens to you when you suffer from anorexia or bulimia.

"God I'm starving" ---Terri Schiavo

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Terri Schiavo

1. A single death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.
2. Not a person who was "tortureed and starved to death," certainly not by "liberals," due to the fact that she, with all due respect, was lacking of the mental capactity to feel it. Challenge this, if you'd like to argue with the professionals who examined her.
3. A "great political issue" that will surely be beneficial to the republican "pro-life base"
4. A subject of bias by those who like to feel better about themselves by saying that a human life can never be taken away without evidence of consent. Although at the same time she was given little hope for recovery after 15 years and had lost, to quote, 40% of her brain functions? By the way, Christians: this woman WAS delayed going to heaven for those 15 years while upsetting generally innocent people like you, right?
5. An alternative use for money (appox. 100,000 a year) that could have prevented thousands of deaths but was instead spent on one life (see above) and bolstered the USs pathetic attempt at aid after the recent tsunami tragedy. Why? Just because it makes you LOOK better at yourself morally? Meanwhile some poor kid cries for his dead family in the ruins of his Indonesian village? Live with that, "human beings."
A Note- Before anyone starts mutilating my definition and my name: no I am not a commie for recognizing an intelligent paradoxial remark, or a fag because you have pms, or even a liberal. I am, however, a "loser" because I am different. That's right. I'm Green.

"Liberal"- Look, Terri is not going to recover.
"A Human Being"- you democratic, fetus killing fucking fag! How could you do this to ANY person?!?! I'll remove YOUR feeding tube and those of all your satanic fellows!
"Liberal"- I am humbled by your overpowering belief in life (ahem)

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Terri Schiavo

What happens when you deprive yourself of potassium intake by being a bulimic for years and drinking 15 glasses of iced tea a day, causing a heart attack when you're 26 years old.

Terri Schiavo should be the poster girl for an anti-eating disorder campaign.

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