Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Scattle?

Scattle is a producer and indie game developer. He's best known for his work on the Hotline Miami soundtrack.
He has a youtube channel as well, its where he posts his music
His music is focused around Electronic Music

Johnny: Hey dude I've been wondering who made these cool songs in Hotline Miami
Gyro: How did you not know? Scattle made this music.

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Scattle - video


Scattle - what is it?

random fun objects that seem to have no purpose

Spark Plugs: Car Scattle
Leaves and slugs: Garden Scattle

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What does "Scattle" mean?

The act of applying one's fecal matter (scat) onto objects which are not designed for this purpose. Typically scattling refers to applying scat to another person, with or without their knowledge, and often in a discreet or secretive approach. Humans, cats, gravel roads and fruit are common targets for scattling.

J: "Man, that guy at the DMV was such an asshole, now I have to fill out all this paperwork"
R: "Well, just get even with a little scattling"
J: "What?"
R: "You know, just put a little fecal matter on the forms before you turn them back in. He won't even notice until his hands smell"

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Scattle - what does it mean?

A scat battle.

mom can i have the boys over tonight, were having a scattle

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Scattle - meaning

Scattle is a producer and indie game developer. He's best known for his work on the Hotline Miami soundtrack.
He also has a youtube channel, there you can find his music.

Johnny: Hey I like the soundtracks from Hotline Miami , who made those?
Gyro: You still don't know? His name is Scattle.

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Scattle - definition

suffix -ed -ing

A cross between the word "scat" and the word "scuttle". To scattle is the act of messing your underpants and making your way to the washroom in a humorous "penguin-style" walk, while trying to retain the mess in your underwear.

It was extremely funny to see Aaron scattle across the hallway after almost certain disaster

Greg didn't make it to the washroom while he was scattling quickly out of the boardroom

sharting farting poop shit diarrhea

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