Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Say You?


Boy: Say You are my Baka🐽
Girl: IM YOUR BAKA🥵😍😍😫😫

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Say You - video


Say You - what is it?

"I Say, You Say Louder" is a game.

The objective of the game is to be the one that yells the picked word or phrase the loudest. The first person whispers, then the next person whispers louder, and the next person says it, until it progresses into an intense screaming match.

Phrases often used for this game are "unicorns", "I do believe in fairies", and "penis."

This game is well demonstrated in the movie "(500) Days of Summer", where a couple is playing the game while using the phrase "penis."

Two people in a game of "I Say, You Say Louder."

1st person: *Whispers,* "Unicorns."
2nd person: *says*, "Unicorns."
1st person: *says louder*, "Unicorns."
2nd person: *screams*, "UNICORNS!!"

👍49 👎11

What does "Say You" mean?

A question asked mostly by radio/TV personality/talk-show host Bill O'Reilly. It means, "What do you think?" or "What are your feelings on the subject?" Variation: What say ye?

Bill O'Reilly to caller: "What say you?"
Caller: "I say you're full of shit, Bill!"

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Say You - what does it mean?

when something so unbelivable is heard that someone request you to swear(swah) on it

Javier: see dat gurl over der

Odaine: the one with the fat ass and D cups

Javier: Ya

Odaine: what about her

Javier: I'm hitting dat

Odaine: Say you SWAH!!!

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Say You - meaning

Just another way to say "What do you think?"

I'm thinking of going to the mall later. What say you?

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Say You - definition

An archaic English phrase that is still used in a legal and governmental context. It is used to ask for a verdict or a vote.

This phrase is sometimes used in everyday conversation with the same meaning - usually with the intent of seeming formal, stylish, or unusual.

Speaker of the House: "Representative from Ohio, what say you? Yah or Nay"
Representative: "Nay"

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Say You - slang

how you respond when somebody says something you do not agree with.

boy number one: man this class is fun!

boy number two: says you!!

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Say You

An expression of disbelief, usually uttered after a sarcastic snort and always with a tone of derision.

"I licked Britney Spear's kneecap last night!"

"<snort>, yeah - says you!"

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Say You

A declaration of denial. Deterring the accusations of others.

Bob: Hey Joe! You're a fag!
Joe: "Says you"

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Say You

Similar to saying "look who's talking!"; a comeback for when somebody says or insults something or somebody, but the statement is hypocritical

Clark - "Hey Neil! You're so stupid!"
Neil - "Says you! You're the one with an F in Math!"

Bob - "Wow! This paragraph is the mos sloppy thing I have seen!"
Mark - "Says you! All you wrote about was how 2+2 is equal to 5!"

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