Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Satisfication?

to be done with

I'm just satisfed up sucking your cock. Maybe tomorrow.

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Satisfication - what is it?

Person who can't fucking spell

OMG this is so Satisfing

👍25 👎11

What does "Satisfication" mean?

Satisfaction meets gratification. It is the ultimate form of pleasure.

I felt the most profound feeling of satisfication when I saw that my word had been accepted by Urban Dictionary and wormed its way into the general lexicon.

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Satisfication - what does it mean?

a intense feeling of gratified satisfaction

Man I just want a little satisfaction!
Have I completed this task to your satisfication?

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Satisfication - meaning

The tendency to search for alternatives only until one is found that meets some mininmum standard of sufficiency

A manager looking for a new site for a new plant, for example, may select the first site she finds that meets basic requirements for transportation, utilities,and price even though further search might yield a better location.hence the term satisficing

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Satisfication - definition

used when the word "satisfaction" cannot possibly described the feeling of enjoyment one is experiencing, often used after a sexual encounter of "HELL YEAH!!!!" proportions.

That bitch Flossie gave me some good satisfization!

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Satisfication - slang

that feeling when you do something and it turns out well

Person 1: "Bro I feel such satisfication when I beat an alpharad level"
Person 2: "...What?"

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To feel and/or be sexually satisfied. To have all sexual needs, desires and wants met by somebody.

I need somebody that will give me what I want and give me that Satisfication of what a woman like me really need and when I get dat satisfication," Oh babi it's own and popp-n!".

By: MikoTheGoddess

👍31 👎13


A degree of happiness and contentness achieved through masturbation.

Joseph, stressed out after a long day at the call-center, rushed right home for a little hand-held satisfication.

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