Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sasha Waybright?

Perfect bisexual cartoon charchter

have you watched amphibia?
yes whos your fav person mines anne
oh i like sasha waybright

👍37 👎13

Sasha Waybright - video


Sasha Waybright - what is it?

a manipulative gay bitch

69emo boy69: see that bitch over there?
420uwu girl420:yeah?
69emo boy69: thats Sasha Waybright

👍57 👎19

What does "Sasha Waybright" mean?


Marcy Wu: I want Sasha Waybright to impregnate me!

👍27 👎43

Sasha Waybright - what does it mean?

13 year old girlboss from the funny frog show

P1:"Whose the blonde kid that's committed attempted murder on several occasions from amphibia again?"
P2:"Sasha Waybright?"
P1:"Yeah her lol"

👍123 👎13