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What is Sara malka?

Someone who desperately needs to be urban dictionary for who knows y

Sara malka is partly human

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Sara malka - video


Sara malka - what is it?

Sara Malka is a girl with a very beautiful heart. She can get moody sometimes and might get mad at you but she's the most loyal friend you can have. Everyone loves her because she's warm. Although she might be a bit shy, once she's comfortable around you she's hilarious and fun.

Wow I wish I could date Sara Malka

👍25 👎11

What does "Sara malka" mean?

Short and loud, but somehow still shy, Sara Malka is always somehow the center of attention and a fly on the wall at the same time. She is full of opposites. She’s extremely loyal and friendly but don’t get her mad because she’s vicious to those who earn her anger. She’s someone you want on your side because she’s a ride or die to anyone she deems worthy. Find yourself a Sara Malka if you want a friend who doesn’t need anything but your loyalty in return.

Bob: that girl over there, the one who won’t shut up, why does everyone like her?
Stuart: Bro that’s Sara Malka, she’s the best!

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