Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sapienza?

One of the 6 locations featured in Hitman (2016). As of 2021, it has 3 extra missions: The Icon, Landslide, and The Author. It is one of, if not potentially the biggest map in the hitman trilogy, with 7 floors, and a hell of a lot of sniper contracts.

John: Hey Mark, how are you doing on the Sapienza map?
Mark: Wow, it's great! It is sooooo big! But the mission is kinda easy tho.
John: Yeah, i'm currently trying to do The Author, it's kinda hard though.
Mark: Don't worry, i bet you'll beat it someday!

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Sapienza - meme gif

Sapienza meme gif

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Sapienza - what is it?

Sap-I-En-Za: Term used to describe someone who up and leaves a situation without giving anyone any warning. The act of bailing on friends and family.

Fred: Has anyone seen Bill.
Tom: I haven't, and its his own Birthday party.
Fred: Don't tell me he bailed on the party we threw him.
Tom: I hate to tell you Fred, but i think he's pulling a Sapienza.

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What does "Sapienza" mean?

Term used to describe someone who is always there for family, friends, and even strangers in their time of need.

Mary: How did you get home? Wheres your car?
Jane: My car broke down and a man gave me a ride home.
Mary: Wow! That was nice of him.
Jane: Yea he was a total Sapienza.

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Sapienza - what does it mean?

Sap-I-En-Za: Someone who will wait years to seek vengeance with a knife or piano wire.

Rent: Man did you here what happened to that informant?
B: No!
Rent: Someone merced that informant with a piano wire last night. Made him look like a pez dispenser!
B: Damn! He pulled a Sapienza on his ass!
Rent: Yea!
B: Shit, Shit.......

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Sapienza - meaning

Sap-I-En-Za: Someone who is always cookin and hitting their Catdaddy at the most random times. When they do they are always giggin.

Amineh: Momo what are you doing?
Momo: Sapienza!
Amineh: What?
Momo: Slap!
Amineh: Hits floor......

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