Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Sandwhiches?

A sexy girl who know's how to flaunt it, but doesn't flaunt to much.

She's a great friend to everybody, and is usually gorgeous!

If you ever meet a sammy, you should immediatley try to befriend her because she will be one of the greatest people you will ever meet!

She has an eviable body and a beautiful, angel like face!

She has to be a Sammy, there's just no other explanation! (sammy is short for sandwhich)

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Sandwhiches - meme gif

Sandwhiches meme gif

Sandwhiches - video


Sandwhiches - what is it?

code for sexual intercourse. used around parents and other people who you dont really want knowing what your up to.

*in the car with mom, dad, girlfriend*

I leaned over to my babe sitting next to me and told her how i was in the mood for something in particular. She asked me what could that be? I said how about some sandwhiches?

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What does "Sandwhiches" mean?

Dosent mean anything. Makes people confused!

Person 1: HEY! Your so dumb!

Person 2 :At leas tim not a sandwhich!

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Sandwhiches - what does it mean?

1. A term used to define that a man is going to "get" some from his girl. Often used from guy to guy in describing ones plans for the night; A common substitue for the word sex.

2. A tasty snack consisting of two slices of bread and a gourmet middle.

1. Jim: What are you doing tonight bro?
Bob: Dude im going to make my girl give me a gourmet sandwhich. Maybe some extra mayo!

2. Bob: What are you eating bro?
Jim: Oh just a BLT sandwhich man. Its chill.

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Sandwhiches - meaning

A sandwhich is when you stick lunch meat, condiments, and other sandwhich material in a girls vagina and eat it.

I was eating her sandwhich

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Sandwhiches - definition

Basiclly grinding,it could be one girl and their is a guy in back of her and in front of her or one guy with a girl in front and back of him.Also, two girl dancing face to face while a guy goes behind each girl.

Melissa:"while me and taylor were dancing together derek went behind her and tyquan went behind me,we were in a sandwhich"
michael:"i was dancing with michelle and chelsea it was the best sandwhich ever!"

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Sandwhiches - slang

sandwhiches, more than one sandwhich

i like sandwhiches a lot more than other stuff

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When the meat is between two buns.

A: My meat is still red from last night's sandwhich!

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good food..usually has cheese and meat.

make me a sandwhich bitch!

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Two slices of bread with indecisive filling

Suggest a sandwhich if you please.

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