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What is Sandra Bullocks?

Sandra Bullock in The Proposal dancing to a parody of Get Low by Lil' Jon. Alicia and Lexi LOVE IT! Betty White chants while Sandra Bullock takes over the chant in this amazing scene.

Alicia: Did you see that Sandra Bullock Get Low video?
Lexi: No... *clicks link*

Sandra Bullock: "To the window! To the window! To the wall! To the wall! All you bitches crawl, and sweat drips down my balls! Lemme see you get low you scared, you scared. Drop your ass to the floor, you scared you scared."
Sandra Bullock: "To the window! To the window! To the wall! To the wall! All you bitches crawl, and sweat drips down my balls! Lemme see you get low you scared, you scared. Drop your ass to the floor, you scared you scared."

👍143 👎29

Sandra Bullocks - video


Sandra Bullocks - what is it?

1. Bullshit or nonsense. Cockney Rhyming Slang for bollocks 2. Testicles, balls.

1.If cheating weren't bad enough the bitch had to give me that load of Sandra Bullocks about why she was late!
2.Damnit, if I find that man, I'm cutting off his Sandra Bullocks!

👍73 👎159

What does "Sandra Bullocks" mean?

When a single Caucasian woman adopts a baby with intent to raise it on her own.

I am going to Sandra Bullock a baby.

👍111 👎149

Sandra Bullocks - what does it mean?

One of the hottest actresses over 40 in the world!!!! Everything from her head to toes screams sexy. Her ass it perfect, same goes for those tits!!!! even young men want to bang that perfect women. No man can watch a Sandra Bullock movie without getting a boner. Not to mention her amazing acting ability. She goes beyond perfect!!

Fuck Sandra Bullock is perfect

👍83 👎39

Sandra Bullocks - meaning

A drop dead gorgeous actress born in Virginia whose first movie was in 1987 and has continued to make entertaining timeless movies for over 20 years!

See also: extremely hot bod, hilarious woman, classy, and sexy.

Have you seen 'The Proposal' yet? Man Sandra Bullock is sexy!!...and I'm a straight woman!

👍437 👎175

Sandra Bullocks - definition

An extremely hot actress the age of 41, who starred in movies like Speed (1994) and Miss Congeniality (2001)

Sandra Bullock scores a comic success!

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