Definder - what does the word mean?


The BEST city in CENTERAL NY!!!

everyone gets WASTED in SYRACUSE

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SYRACUSE - meme gif

SYRACUSE meme gif

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SYRACUSE - what is it?

A medium sized city in central new york. The well known Syracuse University is, obviously, located there. They have pretty decent basketball and lacrosse teams. The football team pretty much sucks though.

Joe: hey man, wanna go to the Dome later to catch some Syracuse football?
Bill: no way. im not wasting my money on that shiz.

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What does "SYRACUSE" mean?

It aint much, but its home

also the weather is nice :P

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SYRACUSE - what does it mean?

Medium-sized city in central New York, suffering from doughnut syndrome (no real city in the middle) has university with good basketball and lacrosse, pitiful football, and a domed stadium named by Carrier that has no air-conditioning (great for winter, though).

Let's go to Syracuse to see the orangemen play some b-ball!
You un-pc a-hole, don't you know they're now called the orange?
That's harsh, dude.

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SYRACUSE - meaning

The place that has the shittiest weather on earth. Also the most random weather.

Syracuse is either raining, snowing, or it's too shitty out to appreciate the weather.

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SYRACUSE - definition

nothing except snow. snow october through may.

last mothers day, it snowed in syracuse

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SYRACUSE - slang

1. God's NCAA basketball team

2. A medium-sized city in upstate New York

Cuse is in da house!!!

"I need some kicks. Let's go check out Foot Locker at the Carousel Center."

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the city in central NY that disproves global warming

damn, i just got back from Syracuse, and i swear this global warming thing is a hoax

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when you hit a car parked next to you with your car door

don’t do a syracuse
look at him he’s syracusing

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A place where it could literally be 70 degrees but then drop to 30 two hours later.

Person #1: Yo I went running outside this morning it was so nice out
*Person #2 looks out the window*


Person #1: Damn, we live in Syracuse what do you expect?

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