Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SWAYZED?

It represents the purest and holiest form of cool ever imaginable. Something that is swayze is like sitting on a cloud getting a full body massage from some angels. To be swayze is to be on parallel with rapture.

Having your earlobe licked by a tiny kitten while Sigur Ros plays in the background softly at first and then gradually louder and the smell of thick french toast with extra syrup wafts into your nostrils as it is served to you in bed would be a totally swayze way to start the day.


"Did you see that dude's pimp white loafers?"
"Yeah, those were swayze!"

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SWAYZED - meme gif

SWAYZED meme gif

SWAYZED - video


SWAYZED - what is it?

awesome, sick, ill, cool, amazing, fly, swag, boss

yo check out my new shirt, it's so swayze

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What does "SWAYZED" mean?

One has been "Swayzed" when the word "ditto" is used as a response to a heartfelt offering of love, as Patrick Swayze's character said to his wife/Demi Moore in the 1980s movie, "Ghost".

Demi Moore in Ghost: I love you.
Patrick Swayze in Ghost: Ditto.

Person 1: I think about you all the time
Person 2: Ditto.
Person 1: You just Swayzed me!

Person 1: I love you, boo.
Person 2: Ditto (pause) ... You just got SWAYZED!

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SWAYZED - what does it mean?

gone, dissappeared, a GHOST.

I'm swayze.

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SWAYZED - meaning

Describing someone having clout and influence a large group of people.
An influential person that has control over money and power. A person of elite social status and authority over industries or topics. Someone who knows how to use persuasion to make money, someone with a lot of sway.

"Her swayz was obvious to everyone in the room."
"After he spoke, the audience understood the swayz he had with the leaders of his industry"

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SWAYZED - definition

Swayze means gone or out.

insane crazy drivin' miss daisy
how the fuck am i? now i got mine i'm swayze

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SWAYZED - slang

ghost, outta here, gone.

Awwwww nooooo...I know that's not a dude giving head...sick...this party literally "blows"...I'm swayze.

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used the same way as the slang 'bounce.' to leave. comes from the movie Ghost starring Patrick Swayze.

Notorious BIG, "big booty hoes"- you must be crazy, squirt in your face and then I'm swayze

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When a male rapidly approaches a woman with the look of rape, then stops 3 inches from body and lets the woman feel the power of patrick swayze and melts away. popular from the scene from road house where patrick makes sweet, yet gentle love to his lady above the farm

oh man, steve swayzed the shit out of that girl last night!

she keeps giving me that look, shes gonna get swayzed.

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Comes from actor Patrick Swayze's last name. It means to β€œleave” or β€œdisappear,” derived from the title of his 1990 hit film β€œGhost” starring Patrick Swayze.

As soon as he shot his gun, we was swayze.

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