Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SUXOR?

To suck to the max

Wow! You totally suxor at this game.

👍39 👎103

SUXOR - video


SUXOR - what is it?

that sucks

aw, i have to do my math homework! this suxors.

👍39 👎99

What does "SUXOR" mean?

Blows mightily. Incredibly assyrian-like and/or emo.

Dude, HAK totally suxors!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!

👍39 👎97

SUXOR - what does it mean?

To suck, hacker style

That new Jim Carey movie SUXORS.

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SUXOR - meaning

Multiplayer first person shooter game kitsch for the word "sucks"

This map sux0rz

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SUXOR - definition


1) Sucker (see also SUCKA!)

See also sukc.


To sux0r: (derrogatory) To suck, to be the one sucking or who sucks. To not be teh gud or teh h4x0r. n01 lieks you.

To sux0r: To physically suck, draw into your mouth or other cavity.


printf ("j00 = teh %s",$sux0r3rOrh4x0r3r)


"Man, this doze w3rm on our network is really starting to sux0r..."

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SUXOR - slang

Hackerspeak for "sucks", frequently used in online games and forums.

OMG 1 4m t3h 1337 4nd j00 4r3 teh suxor.

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v. to exhibit a grievous lack of skill, particulary in video games (see no0b).

n. a person who has been owned; a person who suxorz

n. a tiny North American rodent, suxoridae guaranatensis, known to live inside empty bottles of Bawls

"My girlfriend really suX0rz at Halo 2, so I only let her play team training."

"My girlfriend is teh suXor at Halo 2."

"Will you please call pest control? I saw three suxors in the kitchen this morning!"

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A bastardized version of "This Sucks." Used to describe a negative situation, person, or setting. Used frequently in online 'l33t speak'.

"I heard this new band really suxors."

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