Definder - what does the word mean?

What is STOOT?

A term that can be used interchangeably as a noun, adjective or verb. It has no explicit definition, but is intrinsically correlated with the modern-day perception of positivity and goodness. It can refer to something that is inherently positive, or as something an individual may perceive to have good or positive characteristics.

stoots: if you like it
it is stoots
if it gives you happy
it is stoots

stoots: stoots

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STOOT - meme gif

STOOT meme gif

STOOT - video


STOOT - what is it?

To be stooted means to be stoned and fucked up.

"I'll say Ralph, that marijuana cigarette sure got me feeling pretty stooted"

"Hey you guys wanna go go get stooted?"

"Nah I gotta hit the books man"

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What does "STOOT" mean?

the country version of a bitch slap.

i'm gonna stoot slap this sum bitch.

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STOOT - what does it mean?

Dutch for a big hit it is mostly used as a hit on the shoulders but can also be used for a hit on other parts of the body

Speaker 1: yeets half eaten piece of bread across the room
Speaker 2: β€œdo you want a stoot or what mate?!”

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STOOT - meaning

Describes any term incorrectly dismissed as a non-word by an arrogant know-it-all because he hasn't heard of it.

Quizmaster: "What's the only anagram you can make of PERMEATIONS?"
Know-all "Is that a real word? I've never heard of it!"
Fellow"That's a stoot"

"Professor Jonathon Bloggsworth can't be important because I've never heard of him"
"That's such a stoot"

"There's loads of free e-books on Audible"
"Don't you mean the Gutenberg project? I've never heard of Audible"
"That's a real stoot"

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STOOT - definition

A combination of "stop" and "shook."

N: wow i'm not lion that's pretty tough
A: STOOT,, that was a terrible pun

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STOOT - slang

Slang for the word stout. When someone is super swoll.

That dude Seth is stoot. He must not be Fisher.

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somone who is stuck in a cycle of attempting to be fassionable and ending up slowly becomeing more and more of a worthless tool person

I used to like that girl but shes a stoot now

I know what you mean, look at all the stoots

conformist stoot pigs, why cant we just walk around naked?

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slang for coke

Oli T
"stoots its like a lightning blot to the back of your brain"

.Stoooootssss !!!

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The equivalent of a Hoe for men

bruh he sleeps with everyone... he’s such a stoot.

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