Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SNG's?

Stands for sassy nigga generation.

β€œI’m so tired of this sng”

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SNG's - meme gif

SNG's meme gif

SNG's - video


SNG's - what is it?

Abbreviation for Shits and Giggles.

Chad: Are you really taking you job as a water slide tester seriously?

Thad: Nuh bruh it’s for SnGs

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What does "SNG's" mean?

sum next guy

but if you sed snc would stand for sum next chick

"who u wid fam"

Sng were just jamming

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SNG's - what does it mean?

Sunday night gallery

Going SNG ?' 'Yeah, you?' 'Yeah, but i won't see you cos i'm a loser' 'Oh right. cool

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SNG's - meaning

See shits and giggles .

An acronym for Shits and Giggles to make it easier for conversational use.

"We should invite Ryan just for SnGs."

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SNG's - definition

Sng or Sng^^ is acronym for Croatian word "Smijem se na glas" which stans for LOL or Laughing Out Loud


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SNG's - slang

Standards for sassy nigga generation.

β€œMy man has such an attitude I’m so tired of this sng”

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Slide and glide

β€œHe likes to slide my panties to the side and glide (SNG) himself in”

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Springfield Notorious Gang that’s originated in Springfield Massachusetts

It’s Sng and Bmf niqqa!!!!!

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Acronym for "So Not German". Used for expressing one's amazement at another person's display of a behavior decidedly different from that of a stereotypically German person. Is also more generally used for pointing out a characteristic in someone or something of German origin that does not meet the observer's expectations because it is in startling contrast to his or her perception of Germany and all things German.

That guy Dietrich gave me a hug to say sorry he was late. SNG!

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