Definder - what does the word mean?


The act of sucking a phat dick while the guy is in handstand position and the dick sucker is standing, sucking the phat dick, while also lighting the reciever's butthole hairs on fire. Resembling smoking a heady glass pipe.

Hey Daddy I really wanna smoke your bowl.

OMG! did u hear Sally smoked Dev's bowl last night?? What a baddie!

Hope your bowl is packed phat, I have deep lungs and can hit that all night baby

She said she would smoke my bowl if the dodger won, fucking dodgers!

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SMOKE A BOWL - video


SMOKE A BOWL - what is it?

The activity of being productive, yet able to enjoy some doobage now and again.

Coined by midwestern author Doug Milam the the mid-1990s.

"the week of Final Exams was a blur... We were settin' goals, and smokin' bowls".

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What does "SMOKE A BOWL" mean?

More so, a way of life, than a phrase. Many potheads/bros wouldnt be seen saying this, but others that arent bros or potheads would be. its a phrase or action to refer(or make fun of) to pot smoking bros that just wanna fight people and smoke ;D

Skate kid- "Hey man. lets go skate. maybe we can smoke a bowl and go bodies"

Other Skate Kid- "hahaha yea man. DGAF for life"

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SMOKE A BOWL - what does it mean?

to suck dick.
monkey bowl: a dick

"u wanna go smoke monkey bowl after school" asked Cisco

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SMOKE A BOWL - meaning

they sound exactly the same

It's obviously smokable = smoke a bowl.

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SMOKE A BOWL - definition

When is smoke a bowl day you say? It’s when ever you wanna get high

Wanna smoke a bowl on smoke a bowl day ? Yeah let’s got right now

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SMOKE A BOWL - slang

To smoke a marajawna pipe

dude, i smoked a fat bowl lastnight and got so friggin high

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Smoking a bowl are three great words to always hear.Smoking marijuana with friends or by yourself, with someone you like or even a family member.Smoking a bowl could always be used in a in the moment fraze, such as " hey can't right now man, I'm smoking a bowl" - meaning you cannot be where they want you to be because of the fact that you are busy, smoking a bowl.

" Hey Charlie, wanna go smoke a bowl?!? "


"Hey sorry man I can't right now, I'm smoking a bowl."

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the act of smoking a bud of marijuana in either a bong or a pipe.

1) hey, i wanna get high. lets smoke a bowl!
2) load the bong, man, ive been wanting to smoke a bowl of pot all day.

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