Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SKIZZ?

the defination of a good lover in bed.

oh he was such a skizz.

👍39 👎39

SKIZZ - meme gif

SKIZZ meme gif

SKIZZ - video


SKIZZ - what is it?

Female cum. Similar to Jizz.
Unlike male semen, skizz has a lighter, creamy texture and it acutally tastes good.

"Mmmm skizz! ya baby cum!"

👍73 👎97

What does "SKIZZ" mean?

1. the act of coming home after smoking a bunch of shitty weed, and you're still in a slighty under the influence, but no one adresses it. Including the consumption of mass quantities of food and the veiwing of television shows that you normally wouldn't watch.

skizzing is the best

👍33 👎13

SKIZZ - what does it mean?

To fire up, toke, burn.

Don: Hey you wanna Skizz?

George: Hell ya!!

Don: Then get in here and don't mess up the rotation!

George: Man I am all Skizzed out now!!

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SKIZZ - meaning

an all purpose word that mad pimps use to replace any word chosen by the user

1. let's skizz this skizz yo
2. we skizzin on that skizzy

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SKIZZ - definition

this word is used for a scale for weighing objects

Hey Rob, can I borrow your skizz?


This skizz is of by 1 gram.

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SKIZZ - slang

stoned and or drunk

woah, I'm totally skizzed right now.

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a low key word for a vape ( an e-cig)

pass my skizz i wanna take a hit

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A digital device used to weigh marajuana and other such drugs.

my skizz says this only weighs out to 27g this shit is short your dead. bang bang.

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Skizz: The act of ejaculating an extremely foul smelling load.

When mark skizzed in Becky's mouth she threw up all over his cock.

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