Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SIVI?

A famous rapper born and bred in the hood. The greatest homiesexual of all the homiesexuals

Random guy: Bro i just saw lil sivi
Homiesexual: Damn son

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SIVI - meme gif

SIVI meme gif

SIVI - video


SIVI - what is it?

Sivi may be nice but deep down inside she has depression and anxiety. She takes inhalers and never feels ok. She likes to swear a lot and avoids people she doesn’t like.

Person: Oh look there’s Sivi
Sivi: Fuck off I have depression and anxiety

Person: Sivi wanna smoke
Sivi: Bitch you know I take inhalers

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What does "SIVI" mean?

Sivi is an amazing, Wonderful, smart girl. She usually has a lot of friends who care about her. She usually makes good grades and always has a friend by her side. She is very talented and athletic, but she doesn’t push herself to her full potential. She usually doesn’t get picked on. If she does she goes to her friend and tells her all of what is going on because she knows her friend is always there for her. She is usually a beautiful young lady but thinks that she isn’t. She has beautiful eyes and beautiful hair that no one could ever stop her from doing what she loves. She loves her family more than ever, that’s what she usually does. If you try to stop her she will fight against you to make sure that she keeps going even though The path of them might be slim so get through it.

OMG did you see Sivi today she looks gorgeous!!

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