Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SCENIE?

a wanna be scene kid who is too young to truly understand the "scene ways." usually from the ages of 12 to 15. exactly like a teeny bopper, only SCENE!

did you see that scenie bopper walk out of hot topic with his twilight shirt and new metro station cd?!?!... what a fag.

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SCENIE - meme gif

SCENIE meme gif

SCENIE - video


SCENIE - what is it?

A noun commonly used to describe someone who tryhards to be a "scene kid" or simply is easily described as scene by what they are wearing or how they generally look. Their hair will often look like they took a gallon of kool-aid and poured it over their head while piling on the hairspray.

"Did you notice how much that bitch changed over summer?"
"Yeah, she looks like a little scenie weanie now..."

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What does "SCENIE" mean?

An annoying ass wannabe scene kid.

Q: What the fuck, is that Scenie Weanie, like, ten?
A: Yes.

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SCENIE - what does it mean?

the young teenage concert junkie in their prime, often seen with unnatural looking hair, neon clothing, and a bad attitude

Me: look at that girl I have seen her at everyone of their shows...

Sami: yeah shes a scenie weenie

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SCENIE - meaning

Being a really big scene kid

It ain't easy being scenie.

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SCENIE - definition

pronounced (SEE-NUSS)

a small and shriveled penis found on scene chicks.

JAMES-"Dude that scene chicks pants are so tight!"

NICK-"yeah man you can see her scenis"

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SCENIE - slang

the term used by urban kids to characterize the self-proclaimed Myspace whores who call themselves "scene kids."

Innocent bystander: I went downtown today and saw a bunch of scenies at the bus stop.
scenie: stfu! fuckkkk

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A poser scene kid.
mosgt of the time there either younger than 13 or a follower of a poser.

girl-"ugh. i hate scenies, theree so stupid. like posers ftw"
friend-"oh shit, scenies are coming towards us."
scenie-"hey! Whats Up??!!??"
girl- "leave us alone,kaithanksbye"

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A scene groupie.

Millions of girls who follow the scenes in their school, town, etc. They are the ones who go on youtube make comments on videos of emo/scene pictures like "OMG HES SO HAWT."

The bad thing is, you rarely get to see a scene boy's face, which means that he isn't attractive, but his hair is. Ultimately, if a scene boy was to cut his hair off, the scenie would become unattached immediately from the scene individual. This proves how heartless the groupie can be.

These scenies are also the reason why scene boys take pictures of themselves. The scenies compliment and pamper the scene to the point where they become conceded, and think they're the hottest, giving them the right to take pictures of themselves.


SCENE KID: *exposes face*

SCENIE: Oh, nvm.

SCENE KID: *Puts hair in front of face again*


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A penis with pubes straightened and combed over only 1 nut. A scenis. Usually belongs to a member of the "scene" crowd.

Person 1: Did you see that sceenie weenie? I bet you he has a scenis!

Person 2: You'd be wrong. I've seen it. He does not in fact have a scenis, but he does have herpes...

Person 1: Eww..

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