Definder - what does the word mean?

What is SCAT MAN?

Opposite of a piss boy. A scat man makes fun of piss boys and helps Ed Sheeran terrorize them. This term is gender neutral.

You may be a piss boy, but at least Iā€™m a scat man!

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SCAT MAN - video


SCAT MAN - what is it?

A song girls named Chris think is cool, cannot be said in a scarlet voice.

The Scat Man is a cool song

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What does "SCAT MAN" mean?

The act of a man defecating on a woman's breast and then urinating on the feces.

John gave Melissa a real hot steamy scat man dew last night while she was sleeping.

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SCAT MAN - what does it mean?

Somebody who dances with their feet on fire in a business suit.

Tim Robbin's feet have spilled gasoline on them. A spider crawls down his shirt, he gets out of the car. He jumps up and down and steps on a match in the road. At once, his feet become a flame, and he's dancing.

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SCAT MAN - meaning

The man who releases his bowels often and most of the time in public offending everyone.

Sammy is the Scat Man.

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SCAT MAN - definition

1. A man that sings the type of music called scat
2. A man who likes scat or shit in his mouth.

Girl... i dont roll like that

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